PHPFIT is a PHP5 port of the FIT acceptance test framework. FIT was originally developed for Java by Ward Cunningham.
PHPFIT.php and PHPFIT/ must be in the PHP include path directory (as any PEAR package).
Check the file 'phpfit-run' and change the first line according to the path of your PHP command-line interpreter (usually /usr/bin/php).
(optional) Create a symbolic link to 'phpfit-run'. e.g: ln -s /path/to/phpfit-run /usr/local/bin So you can run 'phpfit-run' from anywhere.
Run it:
4a) From Fitnesse! ( ;)
put this in your wiki pages: !define COMMAND_PATTERN {php /path/to/phpfit/phpfit-fitnesse.php [/path/to/fixtures]}
4b) From the CLI:
phpfit-run path/to/input.html path/to/output.html [path/to/fixtures]
NOTE: [path/to/fixtures] is optional, by default it will check for fixtures in the include path and also relative to where you run 'phpfit-run'.
e.g: phpfit-run examples/input/arithmetic.html output.html
4c) From a Browser:
e.g: http://domain/path/to/phpfit/examples/run-web.php?input_filename=input/arithmetic.html
4d) From your own scripts:
Alternative: With Composer and Fit Shelf:
See of metaclass's fit-skeleton package.
(Supports Mixed Data Typing, You don't have to specify type info)
In your fixtures you must specify the data types of each variable and function return. e.g:
class YourClass extends PHPFIT_Fixture_Column {
public $typeDict = array(
"x" => "integer",
"y" => "integer",
"plus()" => "integer"
here are the possibilities:
- "integer" or "int"
- "bool" or "boolean"
- "double" or "float"
- "string"
- "ScientificDouble"
- TimedAction: finish "time" and "split" columns
- Pass the FIT specification tests.
- Finish documenting the code according to the PEAR standard.
Luis Floreani [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.