This is a 8080 Emulator built on Rust, that intends to emulate the 1978 Space Invaders Arcade game, most of the logic was taken from the 8080 Emulator built on C in the tutorial The plan is to after the project is in a usable state to convert into WASM and host in a heroku instance.
- Cargo and Rust
- The sdl library installed, you can get further instructions in the Project website
- You will need to get your own ROM, since i cannot provide for legal reasons, and put it in the root of the project.
- A Dissassembler that takes a vec with byte codes and convert at least the first index into 8080 Instructions
- The Emulator in itself, with a CPU Struct intended to emulate the 8080 processor and the machine around emulated by the file
Just execute cargo run