During develop of app that include wonderfull XMPPFramework of Robbie Hanson, i was looking for a smart way to manage custom tags inside <message>, so, i created this library. Choose XMPPProviderManager for your next project, I'll be happy to give you a little help!
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Created by Luca Becchetti
- XMPPFramework
- iOS 9+
- swift 4.0
Here's a highlight of the main features you can find in XMPPProviderManager:
- Parse custom tags inside message
- Parse message inside items for message sent in XMPPPubSub.
- Support children nodes You can parse infinity levels of children
Do you like XMPPProviderManager
? I'm also working on several other opensource libraries.
Take a look here:
- InAppNotify - Manage in app notifications
- CountriesViewController - Countries selection view
- SwiftMulticastProtocol - send message to multiple classes
- SwiftMultiSelect - Generic multi selection tableview
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like SwiftMultiSelect in your projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate XMPPProviderManager into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'TargetName' do
pod 'XMPPProviderManager'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
First of all, we suppose you have a project that running XMPPFramework, and it work, import library in your project
import XMPPProviderManager
Then create an instance for this library and set a delegate:
class myXmppManage{
... initialization of XMPPFramework ...
let xmppProviderManager = XMPPProviderManager()
xmppProviderManager?.activate(xmppStream: xmppStream!, delegateQueue: xmppHandlingQ)
xmppProviderManager?.delegage = self
The delegate must implement: XMPPProviderManagerDelegate
to manage parsed tags, here an example:
extension myXmppManage : XMPPProviderManagerDelegate{
func xmppProviderManager(_ manager: XMPPProviderManager!, didParse item: ProviderItem) {
print("Provider did found: \(item.extensions.count) extensions")
item.extensions.forEach { (ext) in
print(String(describing: type(of:ext)))
/// Try to extract and cast extension
let myObj = item.extensions.first(where: { (ext) -> Bool in return ext is MyObj })
To manage a custom tag, you have to create a class that represent it, this needs to implement: XMPPProviderExtension
protocol, you have to create a class for each tag you want to manage, here an example, immagine this stanza:
<message id="111" type="chat" from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]">
<userdata phone="+1111111" picUrl="http://www.pic.com" displayName="ProviderTest"></userdata>
To manage <userdata/>
tag, create this class:
class UserdataExt : NSObject, XMPPProviderExtension{
static var nodename : String = "userdata"
static var namespace : String = ""
var providerNode : XMPPMessage?
var fromJid : XMPPJID?
/// Fields to describe user data
var phone : String?
var displayName : String?
var picUrl : String?
/// Initialize provider
/// - Parameters:
/// - phone: User phone number
/// - displayName: User displayName
/// - picUrl: User picUrl
public init(phone:String?, displayName : String?, picUrl : String?){
self.phone = phone
self.displayName = displayName
self.picUrl = picUrl
static func parse(node: XMPPMessage, parentNode parent: XMPPMessage?) -> XMPPProviderExtension? {
guard node.name! == UserdataExt.nodename else {
print("Missing node <userdata> while parsing")
return nil
var phoneNumber = ""
var displayName = "unknown"
var picUrl = ""
if let phn: String = node.attribute(forName: "phone")?.stringValue {
phoneNumber = phn
if let dispname: String = node.attribute(forName: "displayName")?.stringValue {
displayName = dispname
if let pi: String = node.attribute(forName: "picUrl")?.stringValue {
picUrl = pi
return UserdataExt(phone: phoneNumber, displayName: displayName, picUrl: picUrl)
func toXML() -> XMPPMessage {
let userdata = DDXMLElement(name: UserdataExt.nodename)
userdata.addAttribute(withName: "phone", objectValue: phone ?? "")
userdata.addAttribute(withName: "displayName", objectValue: displayName ?? "")
userdata.addAttribute(withName: "picUrl", objectValue: picUrl ?? "")
return XMPPMessage.init(from: userdata)
If you have to read and parse many string attributes of a node, inside a parse method of you extension, you can use this Useful method:
/// Find needed attributes
var fields : [String : String?] = [
"field1" : nil,
"field2" : nil,
"field3" : nil,
"field4" : nil,
"field5" : nil
try XMPPProviderManager.find(attributes: &fields, inNode: XMPPMessage.init(from: node))
///Access attributes:
}catch let err{
Immagine to have this structure:
<message id="111" type="chat" from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]">
<Person name="" />
<Person name="" />
and suppose to have the correct extension class for each node: People and Person, provider manager will parse only first level node <people>
, inside a People class parse method, you can get all Person
class UserdataExt : NSObject, XMPPProviderExtension{
static func parse(node: XMPPMessage, parentNode parent: XMPPMessage?) -> XMPPProviderExtension? {
/// Extract extesions People
let people = manager!.getExtensions(fromMessage: parent!, type: Person.self).map { $0 as! Person }
print("Found \(people.count) extension")
To send an extension, you can simply do:
xmppStream!.send(UserdataExt(phone:"+11111", displayName : "name", picUrl : nil).toXML())
- Frind - www.frind.it
I'm interested in making a list of all projects which use this library. Feel free to open an Issue on GitHub with the name and links of your project; we'll add it to this site.
XMPPProviderManager is owned and maintained by Luca Becchetti
As open source creation any help is welcome!
The code of this library is licensed under MIT License; you can use it in commercial products without any limitation.
The only requirement is to add a line in your Credits/About section with the text below:
In app notification by XMPPProviderManager - http://www.lucabecchetti.com
Created by Becchetti Luca and licensed under MIT License.
I am a professional programmer with a background in software design and development, currently developing my qualitative skills on a startup company named "Frind " as Project Manager and ios senior software engineer.
I'm high skilled in Software Design (10+ years of experience), i have been worked since i was young as webmaster, and i'm a senior Php developer. In the last years i have been worked hard with mobile application programming, Swift for ios world, and Java for Android world.
I'm an expert mobile developer and architect with several years of experience of team managing, design and development on all the major mobile platforms: iOS, Android (3+ years of experience).
I'm also has broad experience on Web design and development both on client and server side and API /Networking design.
All my last works are hosted on AWS Amazon cloud, i'm able to configure a netowrk, with Unix servers. For my last works i configured apache2, ssl, ejabberd in cluster mode, Api servers with load balancer, and more.
I live in Assisi (Perugia), a small town in Italy, for any question, contact me