The Lua C API, in Lua. Provides a mechanism for creating and manipulating sandbox Lua states separate from the host Lua state.
is still under active development; its API is not yet stable.
Install via luarocks. Requires Lua 5.1.
luarocks install lualua
local sandbox = require('lualua').newstate()
sandbox:loadstring('local a, b = ...; return a + b')
sandbox:call(2, 1)
assert(sandbox:tonumber(-1) == 46)
provides a mechanism for the sandbox to call back into the host.newuserdata
provides a userdata to the sandbox backed by a table in the host.- Misuse of the API throws errors in the host Lua and resets the sandbox stack.
Lua C API | lualua equivalent |
lua_atpanic |
Not supported |
lua_call |
s:call(nargs, nresults) |
lua_checkstack |
b = s:checkstack(extra) |
lua_close |
Implicitly called when sandbox is GCed |
lua_concat |
s:concat(n) |
lua_cpcall |
Not supported |
lua_createtable |
s:createtable(narr, nrec) |
lua_dump |
Not supported |
lua_equal |
b = s:equal(index1, index2) |
lua_error |
s:error() |
lua_gc |
Not supported |
lua_getallocf |
Not supported |
lua_getfenv |
s:getfenv(index) |
lua_getfield |
s:getfield(index, k) |
lua_getglobal |
s:getglobal(name) |
lua_getmetatable |
b = s:getmetatable(index) |
lua_gettable |
s:gettable(index) |
lua_gettop |
n = s:gettop() |
lua_insert |
s:insert(index) |
lua_isboolean |
b = s:isboolean(index) |
lua_iscfunction |
b = s:iscfunction(index) |
lua_isfunction |
b = s:isfunction(index) |
lua_islightuserdata |
b = s:islightuserdata(index) |
lua_isnil |
b = s:isnil(index) |
lua_isnone |
b = s:isnone(index) |
lua_isnoneornil |
b = s:isnoneornil(index) |
lua_isnumber |
b = s:isnumber(index) |
lua_isstring |
b = s:isstring(index) |
lua_istable |
b = s:istable(index) |
lua_isthread |
b = s:isthread(index) |
lua_isuserdata |
b = s:isuserdata(index) |
lua_lessthan |
b = s:lessthan(index1, index2) |
lua_load |
Not supported |
lua_newstate |
Not supported |
lua_newtable |
s:newtable() |
lua_newthread |
Not supported |
lua_newuserdata |
t = s:newuserdata() |
lua_next |
b = s:next(index) |
lua_objlen |
n = s:objlen(index) |
lua_pcall |
n = s:pcall(nargs, nresults, errfunc) |
lua_pop |
s:pop(n) |
lua_pushboolean |
s:pushboolean(b) |
lua_pushcclosure |
Not supported |
lua_pushcfunction |
s:pushcfunction(fn) |
lua_pushfstring |
Not supported |
lua_pushinteger |
Not supported |
lua_pushlightuserdata |
Not supported |
lua_pushliteral |
Not supported |
lua_pushlstring |
Not supported |
lua_pushnil |
s:pushnil() |
lua_pushnumber |
s:pushnumber(n) |
lua_pushstring |
s:pushstring(str) |
lua_pushthread |
Not supported |
lua_pushvalue |
s:pushvalue(index) |
lua_pushvfstring |
Not supported |
lua_rawequal |
b = s:rawequal(index1, index2) |
lua_rawget |
s:rawget(index) |
lua_rawgeti |
s:rawgeti(index, n) |
lua_rawset |
s:rawset(index) |
lua_rawseti |
s:rawseti(index, n) |
lua_register |
s:register(name, fn) |
lua_remove |
s:remove(index) |
lua_replace |
s:replace(index) |
lua_resume |
Not supported |
lua_setallocf |
Not supported |
lua_setfenv |
b = s:setfenv(index) |
lua_setfield |
s:setfield(index, k) |
lua_setglobal |
s:setglobal(name) |
lua_setmetatable |
b = s:setmetatable(index) |
lua_settable |
s:settable(index) |
lua_settop |
s:settop(index) |
lua_status |
Not supported |
lua_toboolean |
b = s:toboolean(index) |
lua_tocfunction |
Not supported |
lua_tointeger |
Not supported |
lua_tolstring |
Not supported |
lua_tonumber |
n = s:tonumber(index) |
lua_topointer |
Not supported |
lua_tostring |
str = s:tostring(index) |
lua_tothread |
Not supported |
lua_touserdata |
t = s:touserdata(index) |
lua_type |
Not supported |
lua_typename |
Not supported |
lua_xmove |
Not supported |
lua_yield |
Not supported |
Lua C API | lualua equivalent |
lua_gethook |
Not supported |
lua_gethookcount |
Not supported |
lua_gethookmask |
Not supported |
lua_getinfo |
Not supported |
lua_getlocal |
Not supported |
lua_getstack |
Not supported |
lua_getupvalue |
Not supported |
lua_sethook |
Not supported |
lua_setlocal |
Not supported |
lua_setupvalue |
Not supported |
Note that the C auxiliary library is built on top of the C base library, so
anything labeled "Not supported" can instead be implemented using the lualua
base library equivalents.
Lua C API | lualua equivalent |
luaL_addchar |
Not supported |
luaL_addlstring |
Not supported |
luaL_addsize |
Not supported |
luaL_addstring |
Not supported |
luaL_addvalue |
Not supported |
luaL_argcheck |
Not supported |
luaL_argerror |
Not supported |
luaL_buffinit |
Not supported |
luaL_callmeta |
Not supported |
luaL_checkany |
Not supported |
luaL_checkint |
Not supported |
luaL_checkinteger |
Not supported |
luaL_checklong |
Not supported |
luaL_checklstring |
Not supported |
luaL_checknumber |
Not supported |
luaL_checkoption |
Not supported |
luaL_checkstack |
Not supported |
luaL_checkstring |
Not supported |
luaL_checktype |
Not supported |
luaL_checkudata |
Not supported |
luaL_dofile |
Not supported |
luaL_dostring |
Not supported |
luaL_error |
Not supported |
luaL_getmetafield |
Not supported |
luaL_getmetatable |
Not supported |
luaL_gsub |
Not supported |
luaL_loadbuffer |
Not supported |
luaL_loadfile |
Not supported |
luaL_loadstring |
Not supported |
luaL_newmetatable |
Not supported |
luaL_newstate |
s = require('lualua').newstate() |
luaL_openlibs |
s:openlibs() |
luaL_optint |
Not supported |
luaL_optinteger |
Not supported |
luaL_optlong |
Not supported |
luaL_optlstring |
Not supported |
luaL_optnumber |
Not supported |
luaL_optstring |
Not supported |
luaL_prepbuffer |
Not supported |
luaL_pushresult |
Not supported |
luaL_ref |
n = s:ref(index) |
luaL_register |
Not supported |
luaL_typename |
str = s:typename(index) |
luaL_typerror |
Not supported |
luaL_unref |
Not supported |
luaL_where |
Not supported |