#My Shell Commands
These are all shell commands I write for daily use, or maybe not :)
Run bash install
in the directory to set the PATH
Generating a random number using $RANDOM.
: generate a random number between 0 and 32767
random <number>
: generate a random number between 0 and number
Colourised echo output.
: Usage
ce -r|--red <message>
: Output red message
ce -g|--green <message>
: Output green message
ce -y|--yellow <message>
: Output yellow message
ce -b|--blue <message>
: Output blue message
ce -m|--magenta <message>
: Output magenta message
ce -c|--cyan <message>
: Output cyan message
Diff tool using git diff when available otherwise default diff.
This can replace default diff
difference <file_1> <file_2>
: Diff two files
Enhanced which, searching alias as well.
This can replace default which.
whichen <command>
: Search command location or alias
Short for "return code", display return code for a command. Use this command carefully.
rtncd <command>
: Display a return code for a command, doesn't display the command's output
rtncd -v <command>
: Display a return code for a command, also display the command's output
Calculate word frequency from stdin.
wf [n]
: Display the first n lines of top frequent words. By default n is 25.
Parse JSON structure from a file.
jsonparser <file> <reference>
: Get the value of the JSON using the reference. The reference sample is "statuses.0.text"
Extract compressed file.
extract <file>
: Extract file
Trim spaces of a string.
trim <string>
: Trim a string