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In the 42 system, a project is scored on a scale from 0 to 100. If a project has bonus assignments, it is possible to earn an even higher grade, up to 125.
Project |
Grade |
Description |
libft |
A library of functions and utilities, largely replicating standard C library behavior, for use in future projects. |
Project |
Grade |
Description |
get_next_line |
A function which, when called multiple times, returns the next line from the given file descriptor, at any given buffer size. |
netwhat |
... |
ft_printf |
Exploring variadic functions by writing a lean mean version of the standard printf function. |
Project |
Grade |
Description |
ft_server |
... |
push_swap |
Implementing a sorting algorithm to sort through a stack of integers using a specific set of actions, in the lowest amount of moves possible. |
pipex |
... |
Project |
Grade |
Description |
minishell |
A basic shell featuring environment variables, pipes, redirection and builtins. |
libasm |
... |
Philosophers |
A program recreating the dining philosophers problem as an introduction to threads and mutexes. |
ft_services |
... |
Project |
Grade |
Description |
cub3d |
... |
cpp00 |
The first of a series of modules about C++ and object-oriented programming, touching on classes, member functions, I/O streams and other core concepts. |
cpp01 |
A module about memory allocation, references, pointers and switch statements in C++. |
cpp02 |
A module about polymorphism, overloads and orthodox canonical classes in C++. |
cpp03 |
A module about inheritance between classes in C++. |
cpp04 |
A module about subtype polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces in C++. |
cpp05 |
... in C++. |
cpp06 |
... in C++. |
cpp07 |
... in C++. |
cpp08 |
... in C++. |
NetPractice |
... |
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