is a collection of modules to extend the Legend of the Green Dragon, Daenerys edition (see, based on the Composer package management system.
In your composer.json
, first add as a repository so Composer knows
where to look for LotGD packages. Then add your chosen module as a dependency as
you normally would any Composer package..
Your composer.json
then might look something like this, if you wanted to
install the Hello World module (
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
"require": {
"lotgd/module-helloworld": "*"
Make your own module by creating a composer package in a github repo. Be sure the
type is lotgd-module
. More documentation on this process will be produced when the
LotGD core is more mature.
Then, put up a pull request in this repo to add your package to the list in satis.json
Follow the example of the Hello World module:
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" },
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
Create docker image for the base setup and the app:
pushd php7-gearman && docker build -t php7-gearman . && popd
docker build --build-arg GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> -t code-lotgd .
Start the container:
docker run -p -d -t --name code code-lotgd
To read the logs:
docker exec -t -i code cat /var/www/html/logs/code-lotgd.log
docker exec -t -i code cat /var/log/regenerate.log