Licence: AGPL
Version: 2.0
Project : a web app to register time past on projects and tasks and analyze time spent
Developed by : Guilhem Vilarroya ( ; [email protected]) and Eric Spichiger ( and Christophe Espiau
Clone the project et host it on your own server. You have to edit the .env file with your own server parameters
First you have to register as a Manager and create your company. You have to register a key that will allow others people to join your company as Members. As a Manager you can promote/demote other users from MEMBER <=> LEADER Create Porjects and Tasks (a task can have multiple subtasks but only one mothertask) Then all members car record times past on Projects and Tasks.
Symfony 4.4 Bootstrap 4 PHP 7.4 MySQL 5.7
- ROLE_USER = MEMBER: record his own time, analytics of his own time
- ROLE_ADMIN = LEADER: + manage Projects, Tasks, Analytics of all Members and his own analytics
- ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN = MANAGER: + manage roles of other users, analytics of all, manage firm account
- USER : well, it is a user (see roles upthere)
- COMPANY : a company is a group of users. A user belong to multiple companies. A company has only one super-admin (for the moment). A company has a "day perdiod" aka the length of a working day (use in analytics)
- PROJECT : name of a project
- TASK : can have multiple subtasks and one mother taks (subtasks and mother task are TASK)
- TIME : it is startdate and endate for a project and task and user
- Paginate all lists
- Improve UI for analytics
We are developping Tempo in our free time.
Feel free to contribute with debug or new features.
If you want to improve UI and/or UX, you are also welcomed in the project.