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Multiplicative approximate lifting
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alejandroag committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 7009f0e commit f95fb3c
Showing 1 changed file with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions theories/prob/couplings_exp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
From Coq Require Import Reals Psatz.
From Coq.ssr Require Import ssreflect ssrfun.
From Coquelicot Require Import Rcomplements Lim_seq Rbar.
From stdpp Require Export countable.
From clutch.prelude Require Export base Coquelicot_ext Reals_ext stdpp_ext.
From clutch.prob Require Export countable_sum distribution couplings graded_predicate_lifting.

Open Scope R.

Section couplings.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B, Countable A', Countable B'}.
Context (μ1 : distr A) (μ2 : distr B) (S : A -> B -> Prop).

Definition ARcoupl (ε : R) :=
forall (f: A → R) (g: B -> R),
(forall a, 0 <= f a <= 1) ->
(forall b, 0 <= g b <= 1) ->
(forall a b, S a b -> f a <= g b) ->
SeriesC (λ a, μ1 a * f a) <= exp(ε) * SeriesC (λ b, μ2 b * g b).

End couplings.

Section couplings_theory.
Context `{Countable A, Countable B, Countable A', Countable B'}.

Lemma exp_mono (r s : R) : r <= s -> exp r <= exp s.
intros [| ->].
+ left.
by apply exp_increasing.
+ lra.

Lemma exp_pos_ge_1 (r : R) : 0 <= r -> 1 <= exp r.
trans (exp 0); last by apply exp_mono.
by rewrite exp_0.

Lemma ARcoupl_mono (μ1 μ1': distr A') (μ2 μ2': distr B') R R' ε ε':
(∀ a, μ1 a = μ1' a) ->
(∀ b, μ2 b = μ2' b) ->
(∀ x y, R x y -> R' x y) ->
(ε <= ε') ->
ARcoupl μ1 μ2 R ε ->
ARcoupl μ1' μ2' R' ε'.
intros Hμ1 Hμ2 HR Hε Hcoupl f g Hf Hg Hfg.
specialize (Hcoupl f g Hf Hg).
replace (μ1') with μ1; last by apply distr_ext.
replace (μ2') with μ2; last by apply distr_ext.
trans (exp(ε) * SeriesC (λ b, μ2 b * g b)).
- apply Hcoupl.
- apply Rmult_le_compat_r; first by series.
by apply exp_mono.

Lemma ARcoupl_mon_grading (μ1 : distr A') (μ2 : distr B') (R : A' → B' → Prop) ε1 ε2 :
(ε1 <= ε2) ->
ARcoupl μ1 μ2 R ε1 ->
ARcoupl μ1 μ2 R ε2.
intros Hleq.
by apply ARcoupl_mono.

Lemma ARcoupl_dret (a : A) (b : B) (R : A → B → Prop) r :
0 <= r →
R a b → ARcoupl (dret a) (dret b) R r.
intros Hr HR f g Hf Hg Hfg.
assert (SeriesC (λ a0 : A, dret a a0 * f a0) = f a) as ->.
{ rewrite <-(SeriesC_singleton a (f a)).
rewrite /pmf/=/dret_pmf ; series.
assert (SeriesC (λ b0 : B, dret b b0 * g b0) = g b) as ->.
{ rewrite <-(SeriesC_singleton b (g b)).
rewrite /pmf/=/dret_pmf ; series.
specialize (Hfg _ _ HR).
rewrite <- (Rmult_1_l (f a)).
apply Rmult_le_compat; [real_solver | real_solver | | auto].
by apply exp_pos_ge_1.

(* The hypothesis (0 ≤ ε1) is not really needed, I just kept it for symmetry *)
Lemma ARcoupl_dbind (f : A → distr A') (g : B → distr B')
(μ1 : distr A) (μ2 : distr B) (R : A → B → Prop) (S : A' → B' → Prop) ε1 ε2 :
(Rle 0 ε1) -> (Rle 0 ε2) ->
(∀ a b, R a b → ARcoupl (f a) (g b) S ε2) → ARcoupl μ1 μ2 R ε1 → ARcoupl (dbind f μ1) (dbind g μ2) S (ε1 + ε2).
intros Hε1 Hε2 Hcoup_fg Hcoup_R h1 h2 Hh1pos Hh2pos Hh1h2S.
rewrite /pmf/=/dbind_pmf.
(* To use the hypothesis that we have an R-ACoupling up to ε1 for μ1, μ2,
we have to rewrite the sums in such a way as to isolate (the expectation
of) a random variable X on the LHS and Y on the RHS, and ε1 on the
RHS. *)
(* First step: rewrite the LHS into a RV X on μ1. *)
setoid_rewrite <- SeriesC_scal_r.
rewrite <-(fubini_pos_seriesC (λ '(a,x), μ1 x * f x a * h1 a)).

(* Boring Fubini sideconditions. *)
2: { real_solver. }
2: { intro a'.
(* specialize (Hh1pos a'). *)
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ μ1); auto.
intro a; split.
+ apply Rmult_le_pos.
* real_solver.
* real_solver.
+ rewrite <- Rmult_1_r.
rewrite Rmult_assoc.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; auto.
rewrite <- Rmult_1_r.
apply Rmult_le_compat; real_solver. }
2: { setoid_rewrite SeriesC_scal_r.
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ (λ a : A', SeriesC (λ x : A, μ1 x * f x a))); auto.
+ series.
+ apply (pmf_ex_seriesC (dbind f μ1)). }

(* LHS: Pull the (μ1 b) factor out of the inner sum. *)
assert (SeriesC (λ b : A, SeriesC (λ a : A', μ1 b * f b a * h1 a)) =
SeriesC (λ b : A, μ1 b * SeriesC (λ a : A', f b a * h1 a))) as ->.
{ setoid_rewrite <- SeriesC_scal_l. series. }

(* Second step: rewrite the RHS into a RV Y on μ2. *)
(* RHS: Fubini. *)
rewrite <-(fubini_pos_seriesC (λ '(b,x), μ2 x * g x b * h2 b)).
2: by series.
2:{ intro b'.
specialize (Hh2pos b').
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ μ2) ; auto.
intro b; split.
- series.
- do 2 rewrite <- Rmult_1_r. series. }
2:{ setoid_rewrite SeriesC_scal_r.
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ (λ a : B', SeriesC (λ b : B, μ2 b * g b a))); auto.
- intros b'; specialize (Hh2pos b'); split.
+ apply Rmult_le_pos; [ | lra].
apply (pmf_pos ((dbind g μ2)) b').
+ rewrite <- Rmult_1_r.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; auto.
* apply SeriesC_ge_0'. real_solver.
* real_solver.
- apply (pmf_ex_seriesC (dbind g μ2)). }

(* RHS: Factor out (μ2 b) *)
assert (SeriesC (λ b : B, SeriesC (λ a : B', μ2 b * g b a * h2 a))
= SeriesC (λ b : B, μ2 b * SeriesC (λ a : B', g b a * h2 a))) as ->.
{ apply SeriesC_ext; intro.
rewrite <- SeriesC_scal_l.
apply SeriesC_ext; real_solver. }

(* To construct X, we want to push ε2 into the inner sum. We don't do this
directly, because X might be larger than 1, but
our assumption on the ε1 R-ACoupling requires it to be valued in [0,1].
Instead, we take min(1, exp(ε2) * (Σ(a:A')(f b a * h1 a))).
ALT: could use a more fine-grained min inside the sum?

assert (exp (ε1) * SeriesC (λ b : B, μ2 b * (Rmin 1 (exp (ε2) * SeriesC (λ a : B', g b a * h2 a))))
<= exp (ε1 + ε2) * SeriesC (λ b : B, μ2 b * SeriesC (λ a : B', g b a * h2 a))) as <-.
rewrite exp_plus.
rewrite Rmult_assoc.
rewrite -(SeriesC_scal_l _ (exp ε2)).
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; [left; apply exp_pos |].
apply SeriesC_le.
- intros b; split.
+ apply Rmult_le_pos; auto.
apply Rmin_glb; [lra |].
apply Rmult_le_pos; [left; apply exp_pos |].
apply SeriesC_ge_0'.
+ rewrite Rmult_min_distr_l; auto.
etrans; [apply Rmin_r | lra].
- apply ex_seriesC_scal_l.
apply (ex_seriesC_le _ μ2); auto.
intro b; split.
+ apply Rmult_le_pos; auto.
apply SeriesC_ge_0'.
intro; apply Rmult_le_pos; auto.
apply Hh2pos.
+ rewrite <- Rmult_1_r.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l; auto.
apply (Rle_trans _ (SeriesC (g b))); auto.
apply SeriesC_le; auto.

Now we instantiate the lifting definitions and use them to prove the
rewrite /ARcoupl in Hcoup_R.
apply Hcoup_R.
+ intro; split; series.
apply (Rle_trans _ (SeriesC (f a))); auto.
apply SeriesC_le; auto.
intro a'.
specialize (Hh1pos_l a'); real_solver.
+ intro; split.
* apply Rmin_glb; [lra |].
apply Rmult_le_pos.
** left. apply exp_pos.
** apply SeriesC_ge_0'; intro b'.
specialize (Hh2pos b'); real_solver.
* apply Rmin_l.

+ intros a b Rab.
apply Rmin_glb.
* apply (Rle_trans _ (SeriesC (f a))); auto.
apply SeriesC_le; auto.
intro a'.
* by apply Hcoup_fg.

Lemma ARcoupl_dbind' (ε1 ε2 ε : R) (f : A → distr A') (g : B → distr B')
(μ1 : distr A) (μ2 : distr B) (R : A → B → Prop) (S : A' → B' → Prop) :
(0 <= ε1) → (0 <= ε2) →
ε = ε1 + ε2 →
(∀ a b, R a b → ARcoupl (f a) (g b) S ε2) →
ARcoupl μ1 μ2 R ε1 →
ARcoupl (dbind f μ1) (dbind g μ2) S ε.
Proof. intros ? ? ->. by eapply ARcoupl_dbind. Qed.

End couplings_theory.

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