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prophecy counterexample
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simongregersen committed Oct 12, 2023
1 parent 5eb5b23 commit f3dfdab
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 3 deletions.
101 changes: 98 additions & 3 deletions theories/examples/counterexample.v
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
(** If we assume that we can freely pick presampling tapes to read from when
resolving probabilistic choices, we can show refinements/equivalences that
do not hold. *)
Section counterexample.
Section counterexample_annotation.
Context `{!clutchRGS Σ}.

(** An (unsound) rule that allows us to pick an arbitrary presampling tape
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Section counterexample.

(** If we assume [refines_tape_unsound], we can show that [flip] refines
[flip_ors] which obviously cannot true. *)
Lemma counterexample α1 α2 :
Lemma counterexample_annotation α1 α2 :
refines_tape_unsound →
α1 ↪B [] ∗ α2 ↪B []
⊢ REL flip << flip_ors : lrel_bool.
Expand All @@ -42,4 +42,99 @@ Section counterexample.
iFrame. iIntros "Hα2". rel_values.

End counterexample.
End counterexample_annotation.

(** This counter example shows that prophecy variables (as developed for
HeapLang in Iris) is unsound for the coupling logic, for the same reason
that presampling is unsound without syntatic tape labels: If you can predict
the outcomes of random samples ahead of time, it gives you too much power to
choose which sampling you couple with. *)
Section counterexample_prophecies.
Context `{!clutchRGS Σ}.

(** We assume prophecy variables exist in our language with [WP] specs as
found in [HeapLang] (see *)
Class prophecies := {
NewProph : val;
ResolveProph : val;
proph_id : Set;
proph : proph_id → list (val * val) → iProp Σ;
LitProphecy : proph_id → base_lit;

wp_new_proph s E :
{{{ True }}}
NewProph #() @ s; E
{{{ pvs p, RET (LitV (LitProphecy p)); proph p pvs }}};

wp_resolve_proph s E (p : proph_id) (pvs : list (val * val)) v :
{{{ proph p pvs }}}
ResolveProph (Val $ LitV $ LitProphecy p) (Val v) @ s; E
{{{ pvs', RET (LitV LitUnit); ⌜pvs = (LitV LitUnit, v)::pvs'⌝ ∗ proph p pvs' }}};

(** [flip_ands] return true with probability 1/4, false with 3/4 *)
Definition flip_ands `{prophecies} : expr :=
let: "p" := NewProph #() in
let: "x" := flip in
let: "y" := flip in
ResolveProph "p" "y";;
"x" && "y".

(** We show that [flip_ands] refines [flip] which can cannot be true. *)
Lemma counterexample_prophecies `{prophecies} :
⊢ REL flip_ands << flip : lrel_bool.
(** As we're assuming regular [WP] specs for the prophecy variables, we'll
unfold the relational logic and work directly in the unary logic. *)
rewrite refines_eq /refines_def /=.
iIntros (K) "Hr Hna". rewrite /flip_ands.
wp_apply wp_new_proph; [done|].
iIntros (pvs p) "Hp".
destruct pvs as [|(?&v) ?].
{ (** Contradictory case -- we will resolve the prophecy in the program so
the list of prophecies is non-empty *)
wp_apply wp_flip; [done|]; iIntros (b1) "_". wp_pures.
wp_apply wp_flip; [done|]; iIntros (b2) "_". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_resolve_proph with "Hp").
iIntros (?) "(% & ?)". simplify_eq. }
(** Prophecies resolve a priori to any value in the language, but we will
only resolve it to a Bool in the program *)
assert ((∃ b : bool, v = #b) ∨ ∀ b : bool, v ≠ #b) as Hcases.
{ destruct v; firstorder. destruct l; firstorder. eauto. }
destruct Hcases as [Hbool|]; last first.
{ (** Contradictory case -- we *do* resolve the prophecy to a Bool *)
wp_apply wp_flip; [done|]; iIntros (b1) "_". wp_pures.
wp_apply wp_flip; [done|]; iIntros (b2) "_". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_resolve_proph with "Hp").
iIntros (?) "(% & ?)". congruence. }

(** Now, we're in the interesting situation. We case on the Boolean content
of the prophecy. *)
destruct Hbool as [[] ->].
- (** The prophecy was [true], and we do an identity coupling with the
[flip] of [x]. This guarantees that the result of [x && true] on the
left agrees with the result of the [flip] on the right. *)
wp_apply wp_couple_flip_flip; [done|].
iFrame "Hr". iIntros "/= !>" (b) "Hr".
wp_apply wp_flip; [done|]; iIntros (b2) "_". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_resolve_proph with "Hp").
iIntros (?) "[% Hp]". simplify_eq.
destruct b; wp_pures;
iModIntro; iExists _; eauto with iFrame.
- (** The prophecy is [false], and we do an identity coupling with the
[flip] of [y]. The result of the left is predetermined to be [x &&
false = false]. By coupling [y] (that we know will be [false]) with
the [flip] on the right, we guarantee that the right also evaluates to
[false]. *)
wp_apply wp_flip; [done|]; iIntros (b1) "_". wp_pures.
wp_apply wp_couple_flip_flip; [done|]. iFrame.
iIntros "/= !>" (b2) "Hr". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_resolve_proph with "Hp").
iIntros (?) "[% Hp]". simplify_eq. wp_pures.
destruct b1; wp_pures;
iModIntro; iExists _; eauto with iFrame.

End counterexample_prophecies.

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