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hei411 committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent 4dbc843 commit cbdb969
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Showing 2 changed files with 150 additions and 108 deletions.
104 changes: 68 additions & 36 deletions theories/coneris/lib/hocap_flip.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,29 +49,29 @@ Class flip_spec `{!conerisGS Σ} := FlipSpec
∃ (α:loc), ⌜v=#lbl:α⌝ ∗ flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α []

flip_tape_spec_some {L: flipG Σ} N E γ1 (P: iProp Σ) (Q:iProp Σ) (α:loc) (n:bool) ns:
flip_tape_spec_some {L: flipG Σ} N E γ1 (P: iProp Σ) (Q:bool -> list bool -> iProp Σ) (α:loc) :
↑N⊆E ->
{{{ is_flip (L:=L) N γ1 ∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑N, ∅}=∗ flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α (n::ns) ∗
(flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α ns ={∅, E∖↑N}=∗ Q))) ∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑N, ∅}=∗
∃ n ns, flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α (n::ns) ∗
(flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α ns ={∅, E∖↑N}=∗ Q n ns))) ∗
▷ P
flip_tape #lbl:α @ E
{{{ RET #n; Q }}};
{{{ (n:bool), RET #n; ∃ ns, Q n ns}}};

flip_presample_spec {L: flipG Σ} NS E ns α
(ε2 : list bool -> R)
(P : iProp Σ) num T γ1 ε:
flip_presample_spec {L: flipG Σ} NS E (P : iProp Σ) T γ1:
↑NS ⊆ E ->
(∀ l, length l = num -> 0<=ε2 l)%R ->
(SeriesC (λ l, if length l =? num then ε2 l else 0) /(2^num) <= ε)%R->
is_flip (L:=L) NS γ1 -∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑NS, ∅}=∗ ↯ ε ∗ flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α ns ∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑NS, ∅}=∗
∃ ε num ε2 α ns, ↯ ε ∗ flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α ns ∗
⌜(∀ l, length l = num -> 0<=ε2 l)%R⌝ ∗
⌜(SeriesC (λ l, if length l =? num then ε2 l else 0) /(2^num) <= ε)%R⌝∗
(∀ ns', ⌜length ns' = num⌝ ∗ ↯ (ε2 ns') ∗ flip_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α (ns ++ ns')
={∅, E∖↑NS}=∗ T ns')))
={∅, E∖↑NS}=∗ T ε num ε2 α ns ns')))
P -∗
wp_update E (∃ n, T n)
wp_update E (∃ ε num ε2 α ns ns', T ε num ε2 α ns ns')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,26 +140,48 @@ Section instantiate_flip.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (??????? n ? ? Φ) "(#Hinv & #Hvs & HP) HΦ".
iIntros (????? Q ? ? Φ) "(#Hinv & #Hvs & HP) HΦ".
wp_apply (rand_tape_spec_some _ _ _ P Q with "[-HΦ]"); [done|..].
- iSplit; first done.
iSplitR; last iFrame.
wp_apply (rand_tape_spec_some _ _ _ P (λ n ns, ∃ b bs, ⌜n= bool_to_nat b⌝ ∗
⌜ns = bool_to_nat <$> bs⌝ ∗
Q b bs

)%I with "[-HΦ]"); [done|..].
- iFrame. iSplit; first done.
iModIntro. iIntros "HP".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "[Hfrag Hvs']".
by iFrame.
- iIntros "HQ".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(%b & %bs & Hfrag & Hrest)".
iIntros "?".
iMod ("Hrest" with "[$]").
by iFrame.
- iIntros (n) "(%&%&%&%&%&HQ)".
wp_apply conversion.wp_int_to_bool as "_"; first done.
replace (Z_to_bool _) with n; first by iApply "HΦ".
destruct n; simpl.
iApply "HΦ".
replace (Z_to_bool _) with b; first iFrame.
destruct b; simpl.
+ rewrite Z_to_bool_neq_0; lia.
+ rewrite Z_to_bool_eq_0; lia.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (??????????? Hsubset Hpos Hineq) "#Hinv #Hvs HP".
iMod (rand_presample_spec _ _ _ _ 1%nat (λ ls, ε2 (nat_to_bool <$>(fin_to_nat <$> ls))) P
_ (λ ls, T (nat_to_bool <$> (fin_to_nat <$> ls))) with "[][][$]") as "(%&?)"; [exact|..].
iIntros (???? T ??) "#Hinv #Hvs HP".
iMod (rand_presample_spec _ _ P
(λ ε num tb ε2 α ns ns',
∃ bs bs' ε2', ⌜tb = 1%nat⌝ ∗ ⌜fmap (FMap:= list_fmap) bool_to_nat bs = ns⌝ ∗ ⌜fmap (FMap:= list_fmap) bool_to_nat bs'=fin_to_nat <$> ns'⌝ ∗
⌜∀ xs ys, fmap (FMap:= list_fmap) bool_to_nat xs = fmap (FMap:= list_fmap)fin_to_nat ys -> ε2' xs = ε2 ys⌝ ∗
T ε num ε2' α bs bs'
with "[][][$]") as "(%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&->&<-&%&%&HT)"; [exact|exact| |iModIntro; iFrame].
iIntros "HP".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(%&%&%&%&%&Herr&Hfrag&%Hpos&%Hineq&Hvs')".
iExists num, (λ ls, ε2 (nat_to_bool<$>(fin_to_nat <$> ls))).
repeat iSplit; try iPureIntro.
- intros. apply Hpos.
by rewrite !fmap_length.
- etrans; last exact.
Expand All @@ -186,18 +208,28 @@ Section instantiate_flip.
+ eapply ex_seriesC_list_length. intros.
case_match; last done.
by rewrite -Nat.eqb_eq.
- done.
- iModIntro. iIntros "HP". iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "($&$&Hvs')".
iIntros (ls) "(H1&H2&H3)".
iMod ("Hvs'" with "[H1 $H2 H3]") as "?"; last done.
iSplitL "H1".
+ by rewrite !fmap_length.
+ rewrite fmap_app -!list_fmap_compose.
erewrite (Forall_fmap_ext_1 (_∘_)); first done.
apply Forall_true.
intros x; by repeat (inv_fin x; simpl; try intros x).
- iModIntro. iFrame.
- iIntros (ls) "(H1&H2&H3)".
iMod ("Hvs'" with "[H1 $H2 H3]") as "?".
+ rewrite !fmap_length !fmap_app.
iSplitL "H1"; first done.
rewrite -!list_fmap_compose.
erewrite (Forall_fmap_ext_1 (_∘_)); first done.
apply Forall_true.
intros x; by repeat (inv_fin x; simpl; try intros x).
+ iFrame. iPureIntro; repeat split; try done.
* rewrite -!list_fmap_compose.
erewrite (Forall_fmap_ext_1 (_∘_)); first done.
apply Forall_true.
intros x; by repeat (inv_fin x; simpl; try intros x).
* intros ?? <-.
rewrite -!list_fmap_compose.
rewrite -{1}(list_fmap_id xs).
erewrite (Forall_fmap_ext_1 (_∘_)); first done.
apply Forall_true.
intros []; simpl.
-- by rewrite nat_to_bool_neq_0.
-- by rewrite nat_to_bool_eq_0.
End instantiate_flip.

Expand Down
154 changes: 82 additions & 72 deletions theories/coneris/lib/hocap_rand.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,28 +51,28 @@ Class rand_spec `{!conerisGS Σ} := RandSpec
{{{ (v:val), RET v;
∃ (α:loc), ⌜v=#lbl:α⌝ ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, [])
rand_tape_spec_some {L: randG Σ} N E γ2 (P: iProp Σ) (Q:iProp Σ) (α:loc) (n:nat) (tb:nat) ns:
rand_tape_spec_some {L: randG Σ} N E γ2 (P: iProp Σ) (Q: nat ->list nat -> iProp Σ) (α:loc) (tb:nat) :
↑N⊆E ->
{{{ is_rand (L:=L) N γ2 ∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑N, ∅}=∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, n::ns) ∗
(rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns) ={∅, E∖↑N}=∗ Q))) ∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑N, ∅}=∗ ∃ n ns, rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, n::ns) ∗
(rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns) ={∅, E∖↑N}=∗ Q n ns))) ∗
▷ P
rand_tape #lbl:α #tb @ E
{{{ RET #n; Q }}};
rand_presample_spec {L: randG Σ} N E ns α (tb:nat)
(ε2 : list (fin (S tb)) -> R)
(P : iProp Σ) num T γ2 (ε:R) :
{{{ (n:nat), RET #n; ∃ ns, Q n ns}}};
rand_presample_spec {L: randG Σ} N E (P : iProp Σ) T γ2 :
↑N ⊆ E ->
(∀ l, length l = num -> 0<= ε2 l)%R ->
(SeriesC (λ l, if bool_decide (l ∈ enum_uniform_fin_list tb num) then ε2 l else 0) /((S tb)^num) <= ε)%R->
is_rand (L:=L) N γ2 -∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑N, ∅}=∗ ↯ ε ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns) ∗
(□ (P ={E∖↑N, ∅}=∗
∃ ε num tb (ε2 : list (fin (S tb)) -> R) α ns,
↯ ε ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns) ∗
⌜(∀ l, length l = num -> 0<= ε2 l)%R⌝ ∗
⌜(SeriesC (λ l, if bool_decide (l ∈ enum_uniform_fin_list tb num) then ε2 l else 0) /((S tb)^num) <= ε)%R⌝ ∗
(∀ ns', ⌜length ns' = num⌝ ∗ ↯ (ε2 ns') ∗ rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ2 α (tb, ns ++ (fin_to_nat <$> ns'))
={∅, E∖↑N}=∗ T ns')))
={∅, E∖↑N}=∗ T ε num tb ε2 α ns ns')))
P -∗
wp_update E (∃ n, T n)
wp_update E (∃ ε num tb ε2 α ns ns', T ε num tb ε2 α ns ns')

Section impl.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,34 +147,34 @@ Section impl.
by iFrame.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (????????????? Φ) "(#Hinv & #Hvs & HP) HΦ".
wp_bind (rand(_) _)%E.
iInv "Hinv" as ">(%&H3&H4)" "Hclose".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "([Hfrag %] & Hrest)".
iDestruct (hocap_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_acc with "[$]") as "[Htape H3]"; first done.
wp_apply (wp_rand_tape with "[$]") as "[Htape %]".
iMod (hocap_tapes_update with "[$][$]") as "[? Hfrag]".
iMod ("Hrest" with "[$Hfrag]") as "HQ".
- iPureIntro. by eapply Forall_inv_tail.
- iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[- HQ HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists (<[α:=_]> m).
iApply "H3". by iNext.
iIntros (??????????? Φ) "(#Hinv & #Hvs & HP) HΦ".
wp_bind (rand(_) _)%E.
iInv "Hinv" as ">(%&H3&H4)" "Hclose".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(%n & %ns & [Hfrag %] & Hrest)".
iDestruct (hocap_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_acc with "[$]") as "[Htape H3]"; first done.
wp_apply (wp_rand_tape with "[$]") as "[Htape %]".
iMod (hocap_tapes_update with "[$][$]") as "[? Hfrag]".
iMod ("Hrest" with "[$Hfrag]") as "HQ".
- iPureIntro. by eapply Forall_inv_tail.
- iModIntro.
iMod ("Hclose" with "[- HQ HΦ]") as "_".
{ iExists (<[α:=_]> m).
iApply "H3". by iNext.
by iApply "HΦ".
Next Obligation.
iIntros (?????????????? Hsubset Hpos Hineq) "#Hinv #Hvs HP ".
iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
Next Obligation.
iIntros (?????????) "#Hinv #Hvs HP ".
iApply wp_update_state_step_coupl.
iIntros (σ1 ε_supply) "((Hheap&Htapes)&Hε)".
iMod (inv_acc with "Hinv") as "[>(% & H3 & H4 ) Hclose]"; [done|].
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(Herr & [Hfrag %] & Hrest)".
iMod ("Hvs" with "[$]") as "(%err & %num & %tb & %ε2 & %α & %ns & Herr & [Hfrag %] & %Hpos & %Hineq & Hrest)".
iDestruct (hocap_tapes_agree with "[$][$]") as "%".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_acc with "[$]") as "[Htape H3]"; first done.
iDestruct (tapeN_lookup with "[$][$]") as "(%&%&%Heq)".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Section checks.
{{{ RET #(LitInt n); rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α (N, ns) ∗ ⌜n <= N⌝ }}}.
iIntros (Hsubset Φ) "(#Hinv &>Hfrag) HΦ".
wp_apply (rand_tape_spec_some _ _ _ _ (⌜n<=N⌝ ∗ rand_tapes_frag _ _ _)%I with "[Hfrag]"); first exact.
wp_apply (rand_tape_spec_some _ _ _ _ (λ n' ns', ⌜n=n'/\ns=ns'⌝ ∗ ⌜n<=N⌝ ∗ rand_tapes_frag _ _ _)%I with "[Hfrag]"); first exact.
- iSplit; first done. iSplit; last iApply "Hfrag".
iModIntro. iIntros "Hfrag".
iDestruct (rand_tapes_valid with "[$]") as "%H'".
Expand All @@ -252,10 +252,11 @@ Section checks.
rewrite Forall_cons in H'. naive_solver.
- iIntros "[??]". iApply "HΦ".
- iIntros (?) "(%&[-> ->]&%&?)". iApply "HΦ".
by iFrame.

Local Opaque enum_uniform_fin_list.
Lemma wp_presample_adv_comp_rand_tape (N : nat) NS E α ns (ε1 : R) (ε2 : fin (S N) -> R) γ1:
↑NS ⊆ E ->
(∀ n, 0<=ε2 n)%R ->
Expand All @@ -268,43 +269,52 @@ Section checks.
iIntros (Hsubset Hpos Hineq) "#Hinv >Htape Herr".
iDestruct (ec_valid with "[$]") as "%Hpos'".
destruct Hpos' as [Hpos' ?].
iMod (rand_presample_spec _ _ _ _ _ (λ l, match l with
| [x] => ε2 x
| _ => 1%R
(rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α (N, ns) ∗ ↯ ε1) 1%nat
(λ ls, ∃ n, ⌜ls=[n]⌝ ∗ ↯ (ε2 n) ∗ rand_tapes_frag γ1 α (N, ns ++ [fin_to_nat n]))%I
_ (mknonnegreal ε1 Hpos')
with "[//][][$Htape $Herr]") as "(%l&%sample & -> & Herr &Htape)".
iMod (rand_presample_spec _ _
(rand_tapes_frag (L:=L) γ1 α (N, ns) ∗ ↯ ε1)
(λ ε' (num':nat) tb' ε2' α' ns1 ns2,
⌜ε1=ε'⌝ ∗ ⌜(1=num')%nat⌝ ∗ ⌜N=tb'⌝ ∗
⌜∀ x y, fin_to_nat <$> x = fin_to_nat <$> y ->
ε2' x = (λ l, match l with |[x] => ε2 x | _ => 1%R end) y⌝∗ ⌜α=α'⌝ ∗ ⌜ns1=ns⌝ ∗
∃ (n:fin (S N)), ⌜fin_to_nat <$> ns2=[fin_to_nat n]⌝ ∗ ↯ (ε2 n) ∗ rand_tapes_frag γ1 α (N, ns ++ [fin_to_nat n]))%I
with "[//][][$Htape $Herr]") as "(%&%&%&%&%&%&%&->&<-&->&%&->&->&%&%&?&?)".
- done.
- by intros [|?[|]].
- etrans; last eapply Hineq.
etrans; last eapply (SeriesC_le_inj _ (λ l, match l with |[x] => Some x | _ => None end)).
+ rewrite Rdiv_def -SeriesC_scal_r. apply Req_le_sym.
apply SeriesC_ext.
intros. case_match; subst.
* rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; first (simpl;lra).
by rewrite elem_of_enum_uniform_fin_list.
* case_match; last first.
{ rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; first (simpl;lra).
by rewrite elem_of_enum_uniform_fin_list. }
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last by apply elem_of_enum_uniform_fin_list.
rewrite Rdiv_def Rmult_1_r; lra.
+ intros. apply Rmult_le_pos; last done.
apply Rdiv_INR_ge_0.
+ intros. repeat case_match; by simplify_eq.
+ apply ex_seriesC_finite.
- iModIntro.
iIntros "(?&?)".
simpl. iFrame.
iIntros "[Hfrag Herr]".
iApply fupd_mask_intro; first set_solver.
iIntros "Hclose".
iIntros ([|?[|]]) "(%&?&?)"; try done.
iMod "Hclose".
by iModIntro.
iExists 1, (λ l, match l with |[x] => ε2 x | _ => 1%R end). simpl.
repeat iSplit.
+ iPureIntro. by intros [|?[|]].
+ iPureIntro. etrans; last eapply Hineq.
etrans; last eapply (SeriesC_le_inj _ (λ l, match l with |[x] => Some x | _ => None end)).
* rewrite Rdiv_def -SeriesC_scal_r. apply Req_le_sym.
apply SeriesC_ext.
intros. case_match; subst.
-- rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; first (simpl;lra).
by rewrite elem_of_enum_uniform_fin_list.
-- case_match; last first.
{ rewrite bool_decide_eq_false_2; first (simpl;lra).
by rewrite elem_of_enum_uniform_fin_list.
rewrite bool_decide_eq_true_2; last by apply elem_of_enum_uniform_fin_list.
rewrite Rdiv_def Rmult_1_r; lra.
* intros. apply Rmult_le_pos; last done.
apply Rdiv_INR_ge_0.
* intros. repeat case_match; by simplify_eq.
* apply ex_seriesC_finite.
iIntros ([|?[|]]) "(%&?&?)"; try done.
iMod "Hclose".
repeat iSplit; try done.
intros x y H'.
apply list_fmap_eq_inj in H'; first by simplify_eq.
apply fin_to_nat_inj.
- iModIntro. iFrame.

Expand Down

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