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useful tactics
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hei411 committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 906d366 commit bcb0896
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Showing 2 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions theories/prelude/base.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ From stdpp Require Export base tactics countable.
(* TODO: find a better solution *)
(* see [] *)
#[global] Remove Hints bool_countable fin_countable : typeclass_instances.

244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions theories/prelude/tactics.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
From clutch.prelude Require Import base.
From stdpp Require Export prelude gmap strings pretty.
From iris.prelude Require Export prelude.
From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

(** * Tactics from Dimsum *)
- inv_all
- case_bool_decide (_)
- econs
- destruct!
- split!
- simplify_map_eq'
- sort_map_insert
- simpl_map_decide
- iDestruct!
- iIntros!
- iSplit!

(** Inspired by inv in CompCert/Coqlib.v *)
(* TODO: upstream? See *)
Tactic Notation "inv/=" ident(H) := inversion H; clear H; simplify_eq/=.

Ltac inv_all_tac f :=
repeat lazymatch goal with
| H : f |- _ => inv H
| H : f _ |- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _ _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _ _ _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _ _ _ _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|- _ => inv H
| H : f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|- _ => inv H

Tactic Notation "inv_all/=" constr(f) := inv_all_tac f; simplify_eq/=.
Tactic Notation "inv_all" constr(f) := inv_all_tac f.

Tactic Notation "case_bool_decide" open_constr(pat) "as" ident(Hd) :=
match goal with
| H : context [@bool_decide ?P ?dec] |- _ =>
unify P pat;
destruct_decide (@bool_decide_reflect P dec) as Hd
| |- context [@bool_decide ?P ?dec] =>
unify P pat;
destruct_decide (@bool_decide_reflect P dec) as Hd
Tactic Notation "case_bool_decide" open_constr(pat) :=
let H := fresh in case_bool_decide pat as H.

(** abbreviations for [econstructor] *)
Tactic Notation "econs" := econstructor.
Tactic Notation "econs" integer(n) := econstructor n.

(** [fast_set_solver] is a faster version of [set_solver] that does
not call set_unfold and setoid_subst so often. *)
(* TODO: figure out why this is necessary *)
Ltac fast_set_solver := set_unfold; naive_solver.

(** [destruct!] destructs things in the context *)
Ltac destruct_go tac :=
repeat match goal with
| H : context [ match ?x with | (y, z) => _ end] |- _ =>
let y := fresh y in
let z := fresh z in
destruct x as [y z]
| H : ∃ x, _ |- _ => let x := fresh x in destruct H as [x H]
| |- _ => destruct_and!
| |- _ => destruct_or!
| |- _ => progress simplify_eq
| |- _ => tac

Tactic Notation "destruct!" := destruct_go ltac:(fail).
Tactic Notation "destruct!/=" := destruct_go ltac:( progress csimpl in * ).

(** [split_or] tries to simplify an or in the goal by proving that one side implies False. *)
Ltac split_or :=
repeat match goal with
| |- ?P ∨ _ =>
assert_succeeds (exfalso; assert P; [|
repeat match goal with | H : ?Q |- _ => has_evar Q; clear H end;
| |- _ ∨ ?P =>
assert_succeeds (exfalso; assert P; [|
repeat match goal with | H : ?Q |- _ => has_evar Q; clear H end;

(** [SplitAssumeInj] *)
Class SplitAssumeInj {A B} (R : relation A) (S : relation B) (f : A → B) : Prop := split_assume_inj : True.
Global Instance split_assume_inj_inj A B R S (f : A → B) `{!Inj R S f} : SplitAssumeInj R S f.
Proof. done. Qed.

Class SplitAssumeInj2 {A B C} (R1 : relation A) (R2 : relation B) (S : relation C) (f : A → B → C) : Prop := split_assume_inj2 : True.
Global Instance split_assume_inj2_inj2 A B C R1 R2 S (f : A → B → C) `{!Inj2 R1 R2 S f} : SplitAssumeInj2 R1 R2 S f.
Proof. done. Qed.

(** [split!] splits the goal *)
Ltac split_step tac :=
match goal with
| |- ∃ x, _ => eexists _
| |- _ ∧ _ => split
| |- _ ∨ _ => split_or
| |- True → _ => intros _
(* | |- ?P → ?Q => *)
(* lazymatch type of P with *)
(* TODO: replace this with assert_is_trivial from RefinedC? *)
(* | Prop => assert_succeeds (assert (P) as _;[fast_done|]); intros _ *)
(* end *)
| |- ?e1 = ?e2 => is_evar e1; reflexivity
| |- ?e1 = ?e2 => is_evar e2; reflexivity
| |- ?e1 ≡ ?e2 => is_evar e1; reflexivity
| |- ?e1 ≡ ?e2 => is_evar e2; reflexivity
| |- ?G => assert_fails (has_evar G); done
| H : ?o = Some ?x |- ?o = Some ?y => assert (x = y); [|congruence]
| |- ?x = ?y =>
(* simplify goals where the head are constructors, like
EICall f vs h = EICall ?Goal7 ?Goal8 ?Goal9 *)
once (first [ has_evar x | has_evar y]);
let hx := get_head x in
is_constructor hx;
let hy := get_head y in
match hx with
| hy => idtac
apply f_equal_help
| |- ?f ?a1 ?a2 = ?f ?b1 ?b2 =>
let _ := constr:(_ : SplitAssumeInj2 (=) (=) (=) f) in
apply f_equal_help; [apply f_equal_help; [done|]|]
| |- ?f ?a = ?f ?b =>
let _ := constr:(_ : SplitAssumeInj (=) (=) f) in
apply f_equal_help; [done|]
| |- _ => tac
end; simpl.

Ltac split_tac tac :=
(* The outer repeat is because later split_steps may have
instantiated evars and thus we try earlier goals again. *)
repeat (simpl; repeat split_step tac).

Tactic Notation "split!" := split_tac ltac:(fail).

(** [simplify_map_eq'] is a version of [simplify_map_eq] that also simplifies lookup total. *)
Tactic Notation "simpl_map_total" "by" tactic3(tac) := repeat
match goal with
| H : ?m !! ?i = Some ?x |- context [?m !!! ?i] =>
rewrite (lookup_total_correct m i x H)
| H1 : context [?m !!! ?i], H2 : ?m !! ?i = Some ?x |- _ =>
rewrite (lookup_total_correct m i x H2) in H1
| |- context [<[ ?i := ?x ]> (<[ ?i := ?y ]> ?m)] =>
rewrite (insert_insert m i x y)
| |- context[ (<[_:=_]>_) !!! _ ] =>
rewrite lookup_total_insert || rewrite ->lookup_total_insert_ne by tac
| H : context[ (<[_:=_]>_) !!! _ ] |- _ =>
rewrite lookup_total_insert in H || rewrite ->lookup_total_insert_ne in H by tac
| H : ?m !!! ?i = ?x |- context [?m !!! ?i] =>
rewrite H
| H : ?x = ?m !!! ?i |- context [?m !!! ?i] =>
is_closed_term x; rewrite -H
| H1 : ?m !!! ?i = ?x, H2 : context [?m !!! ?i] |- _ =>
rewrite H1 in H2
| H1 : ?x = ?m !!! ?i, H2 : context [?m !!! ?i] |- _ =>
is_closed_term x; rewrite -H1 in H2
(* | H : ?m !!! ?i = ?m2 !!! ?i2 |- context [?m !!! ?i] => *)
(* rewrite H *)
(* | H1 : ?m !!! ?i = ?m2 !!! ?i2, H2 : context [?m !!! ?i] |- _ => *)
(* rewrite H1 in H2 *)
Tactic Notation "simplify_map_eq'" "/=" "by" tactic3(tac) :=
repeat (progress csimpl in * || (progress simpl_map_total by tac) || simplify_map_eq by tac ).
Tactic Notation "simplify_map_eq'" :=
repeat (progress (simpl_map_total by eauto with simpl_map map_disjoint) || simplify_map_eq by eauto with simpl_map map_disjoint ).
Tactic Notation "simplify_map_eq'" "/=" :=
simplify_map_eq'/= by eauto with simpl_map map_disjoint.

(** [sort_map_insert] sorts concrete inserts such that they can later be eliminated via [insert_insert]. *)
Ltac sort_map_insert :=
repeat match goal with
| |- context [<[ ?i := ?x ]> (<[ ?j := ?y ]> ?m)] =>
is_closed_term i;
is_closed_term j;
assert_succeeds (assert (encode j <? encode i)%positive; [vm_compute; exact I|]);
rewrite (insert_commute m i j x y); [|done]

(** [simpl_map_decide] tries to simplify bool_decide in the goal *)
(* TODO: make more principled *)
Ltac simpl_map_decide :=
let go' := first [done | by apply elem_of_dom | by apply not_elem_of_dom] in
let go := solve [ first [go' | by match goal with | H : _ ## _ |- _ => move => ?; apply: H; go' end] ] in
repeat (match goal with
| |- context [bool_decide (?P)] => rewrite (bool_decide_true P); [|go]
| |- context [bool_decide (?P)] => rewrite (bool_decide_false P); [|go]
end; simpl).

(** ** [iDestruct!] *)
Tactic Notation "iDestruct!" :=
repeat (
iMatchHyp (fun H P =>
match P with
| False%I => iDestruct H as %[]
| True%I => iDestruct H as %(_)
| emp%I => iDestruct H as "_"
| ⌜_⌝%I => iDestruct H as %?
| (_ ∗ _)%I => iDestruct H as "[??]"
| (∃ x, _)%I => iDestruct H as (?) "?"
| (□ _)%I => iDestruct H as "#?"
| (_ ∨ _)%I => iDestruct H as "[?|?]"
|| simplify_eq/=).

Tactic Notation "iIntros!" := iIntros; iDestruct!.

(** ** [iSplit!] *)
Ltac iSplit_step tac :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- environments.envs_entails _ (∃ x, _)%I => iExists _
| |- environments.envs_entails _ (_ ∗ _)%I => iSplit
| |- environments.envs_entails _ (⌜_⌝)%I => iPureIntro
| |- _ => split_step tac
end; simpl.

Ltac iSplit_tac tac :=
(* The outer repeat is because later split_steps may have
instantiated evars and thus we try earlier goals again. *)
repeat (simpl; repeat iSplit_step tac).

Tactic Notation "iSplit!" := iSplit_tac ltac:(fail).

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