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rand counter version 3
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hei411 committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 8e91d38 commit 4aa91ef
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,394 additions and 1 deletion.
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions theories/coneris/examples/random_counter3/client.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
From iris.algebra Require Import excl_auth cmra.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
From clutch.coneris Require Import coneris par spawn.
From clutch.coneris.examples Require Import random_counter3.random_counter.

Local Open Scope Z.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Section lemmas.
Context `{!inG Σ (excl_authR (option natO))}.

(* Helpful lemmas *)
Lemma ghost_var_alloc b :
⊢ |==> ∃ γ, own γ (●E b) ∗ own γ (◯E b).
iMod (own_alloc (●E b ⋅ ◯E b)) as (γ) "[??]".
- by apply excl_auth_valid.
- by eauto with iFrame.

Lemma ghost_var_agree γ b c :
own γ (●E b) -∗ own γ (◯E c) -∗ ⌜ b = c ⌝.
iIntros "Hγ● Hγ◯".
by iCombine "Hγ● Hγ◯" gives %->%excl_auth_agree_L.

Lemma ghost_var_update γ b' b c :
own γ (●E b) -∗ own γ (◯E c) ==∗ own γ (●E b') ∗ own γ (◯E b').
iIntros "Hγ● Hγ◯".
iMod (own_update_2 _ _ _ (●E b' ⋅ ◯E b') with "Hγ● Hγ◯") as "[$$]".
{ by apply excl_auth_update. }
End lemmas.

Section client.
Context `{rc:random_counter} {L: counterG Σ}.
Definition con_prog : expr :=
let: "c" := new_counter #() in
((incr_counter "c") |||
incr_counter "c"
) ;;
read_counter "c"

Definition one_positive n1 n2:=
match (n1, n2) with
| (Some (S _), _) | (_, Some (S _)) => true
| _ => false

Definition counter_nroot:=nroot.@"counter".
Definition inv_nroot:=nroot.@"inv".

Context `{!spawnG Σ, !inG Σ (excl_authR (option natO)), !inG Σ (excl_authR (boolO))}.

Definition con_prog_inv (γ1 γ2: gname): iProp Σ :=
∃ (n1 n2 : option nat) ,
let p:= one_positive n1 n2 in
own γ1 (●E n1) ∗ own γ2 (●E n2) ∗
if p
then ↯ 0%R
∃ (flip_num:nat),
↯ (Rpower 4%R (INR flip_num-2))%R ∗
⌜(flip_num = bool_to_nat (bool_decide (n1=Some 0%nat)) +bool_to_nat (bool_decide (n2=Some 0%nat)))%nat⌝.

Lemma Rpower_4_2: (Rpower 4 2 = 16)%R.
replace 2%R with (1+1)%R by lra.
rewrite Rpower_plus Rpower_1; lra.

Lemma con_prog_spec:
{{{ ↯ (1/16) }}}
{{{ (n:nat), RET #n; ⌜(0<n)%nat⌝ }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "Hε HΦ".
rewrite /con_prog.
wp_apply (new_counter_spec (L:=L) _ counter_nroot with "[//]") as (c) "(%γ & #Hcounter & Hfrag)".
replace (1)%Qp with (1/2+1/2)%Qp; last compute_done.
replace 0%nat with (0+0)%nat by lia.
rewrite -(counter_content_frag_combine).
iDestruct "Hfrag" as "[Hc1 Hc2]".
iMod (ghost_var_alloc None) as (γ1) "[Hauth1 Hfrag1]".
iMod (ghost_var_alloc None) as (γ2) "[Hauth2 Hfrag2]".
iMod (inv_alloc inv_nroot _ (con_prog_inv γ1 γ2) with "[Hauth1 Hauth2 Hε]") as "#Hinv".
{ iModIntro. iFrame. iExists _. iSplit; last done.
simpl. replace (0-2)%R with (-2)%R by lra.
rewrite Rpower_Ropp Rpower_4_2.
iApply (ec_eq with "[$]").
wp_apply (wp_par (λ _, ∃ (n:nat), own γ1 (◯E (Some n)) ∗ counter_content_frag γ (1/2) n)%I
(λ _, ∃ (n:nat), own γ2 (◯E (Some n)) ∗ counter_content_frag γ (1/2) n)%I with "[Hfrag1 Hc1][Hfrag2 Hc2]").
- wp_apply (incr_counter_spec _ _ _ _ (λ _ _, ∃ n : nat, own γ1 (◯E (Some n)) ∗ counter_content_frag γ (1 / 2) n )%I with "[$Hcounter Hfrag1 Hc1]"); [done| |by iIntros].
iMod (state_update_inv_acc' with "[$]") as "[>(%n1 & %n2 & Hauth1 & Hauth2 & Herr) Hvs]"; first done.
iDestruct (ghost_var_agree with "[$Hauth1][$]") as "->".
iApply state_update_mask_intro; first set_solver.
iIntros "Hclose".
case_match eqn:H.
+ iFrame. iExists (λ _, 0%R).
repeat iSplit.
* done.
* iPureIntro; rewrite SeriesC_0; intros; lra.
* iIntros (n) "Herr".
iMod (ghost_var_update _ (Some (fin_to_nat n)) with "[$Hauth1][$]") as "[Hauth1 Hfrag1]".
iMod "Hclose".
simpl. iFrame.
iMod ("Hvs" with "[-Hfrag1 Hc1]"); iFrame.
-- case_match; first done.
destruct n as [|]; destruct n2 as [[]|]; simplify_eq.
-- iModIntro. iIntros (z) "Hauth1".
iMod (counter_content_update with "[$][$]") as "[$ ?]".
by iFrame.
+ iDestruct "Herr" as "(%&Herr&->)/=". iFrame.
iExists (λ x, if 0<? fin_to_nat x then 0%R else (Rpower 4 (1+(bool_to_nat (bool_decide (n2 = Some 0%nat)) - 2))))%R. repeat iSplit; try iPureIntro.
* intros. case_match; first done. rewrite /Rpower. left. apply exp_pos.
* rewrite SeriesC_finite_foldr/=.
rewrite Rpower_plus Rpower_1; lra.
* iIntros (n) "Herr".
iMod (ghost_var_update _ (Some (fin_to_nat n)) with "[$Hauth1][$]") as "[Hauth1 Hfrag1]".
simpl. iFrame.
iMod "Hclose".
simpl. iFrame.
iMod ("Hvs" with "[-Hfrag1 Hc1]"); iFrame.
-- case_match eqn:H0.
++ case_match; first done.
destruct (fin_to_nat n) as [|]; destruct n2 as [[|]|]; simplify_eq.
++ case_match.
{ destruct (fin_to_nat n) as [|]; destruct n2 as [[|]|]; simplify_eq. }
iExists _. iSplit; last done.
iApply (ec_eq with "[$]").
rewrite plus_INR.
assert (fin_to_nat n = 0)%nat as ->; simpl; last lra.
apply Z.ltb_ge in H0. lia.
-- iModIntro. iIntros (z) "Hauth".
iMod (counter_content_update with "[$][$]") as "[$ ?]".
by iFrame.
- wp_apply (incr_counter_spec _ _ _ _ (λ _ _, ∃ n : nat, own γ2 (◯E (Some n)) ∗ counter_content_frag γ (1 / 2) n )%I with "[$Hcounter Hfrag2 Hc2]"); [done| |by iIntros].
iMod (state_update_inv_acc' with "[$]") as "[>(%n1 & %n2 & Hauth1 & Hauth2 & Herr) Hvs]"; first done.
iDestruct (ghost_var_agree with "[$Hauth2][$]") as "->".
iApply state_update_mask_intro; first set_solver.
iIntros "Hclose".
case_match eqn:H.
+ iFrame. iExists (λ _, 0%R). repeat iSplit; try iPureIntro.
* done.
* rewrite SeriesC_0; intros; lra.
* iIntros (n) "Herr".
iMod (ghost_var_update _ (Some (fin_to_nat n)) with "[$Hauth2][$]") as "[Hauth2 Hfrag2]".
iMod "Hclose".
simpl. iFrame.
iMod ("Hvs" with "[-Hfrag2 Hc2]"); iFrame.
-- case_match; first done.
destruct n as [|]; destruct n1 as [[]|]; simplify_eq.
-- iModIntro. iIntros (z) "Hauth1".
iMod (counter_content_update with "[$][$]") as "[$ ?]".
by iFrame.
+ iDestruct "Herr" as "(%&Herr&->)/=". iFrame.
iExists (λ x, if 0<? fin_to_nat x then 0%R else (Rpower 4 (1+((bool_to_nat (bool_decide (n1 = Some 0)) + 0)%nat - 2))))%R. repeat iSplit; try iPureIntro.
* intros. case_match; first done. rewrite /Rpower. left. apply exp_pos.
* rewrite SeriesC_finite_foldr/=.
rewrite Rpower_plus Rpower_1/=; lra.
* iIntros (n) "Herr".
iMod (ghost_var_update _ (Some (fin_to_nat n)) with "[$Hauth2][$]") as "[Hauth2 Hfrag2]".
simpl. iFrame.
iMod "Hclose".
simpl. iFrame.
iMod ("Hvs" with "[-Hfrag2 Hc2]"); iFrame.
-- case_match eqn:H0.
++ case_match; first done.
destruct (fin_to_nat n) as [|]; destruct n1 as [[|]|]; simplify_eq.
++ case_match.
{ destruct (fin_to_nat n) as [|]; destruct n1 as [[|]|]; simplify_eq. }
iExists _. iSplit; last done.
iApply (ec_eq with "[$]").
rewrite !plus_INR.
assert (fin_to_nat n = 0)%nat as ->; simpl; last lra.
apply Z.ltb_ge in H0. lia.
-- iModIntro. iIntros (z) "Hauth".
iMod (counter_content_update with "[$][$]") as "[$ ?]".
by iFrame.
- iIntros (??) "[(%n1 & Hfrag1 & Hc1)(%n2 & Hfrag2 & Hc2)]".
iNext. wp_pures.
iCombine "Hc1 Hc2" as "Hc".
rewrite counter_content_frag_combine.
replace (1/2+1/2)%Qp with 1%Qp; last compute_done.
iAssert (|={⊤}=> ⌜(n1+n2>0)%nat⌝)%I with "[Hfrag1 Hfrag2]" as ">%".
{ iInv "Hinv" as ">(%&%&Hauth1&Hauth2&Herr)".
iDestruct (ghost_var_agree with "[$Hauth1][$]") as "->".
iDestruct (ghost_var_agree with "[$Hauth2][$]") as "->".
rewrite /con_prog_inv.
destruct n1, n2 as [|]; [simpl|simpl; iModIntro; iFrame; iSplitL "Herr"; iModIntro; try (iPureIntro; lia); done..]; last first.
iDestruct "Herr" as "(%&Herr&->)".
simpl. replace (_+_-_)%R with 0%R by lra.
rewrite Rpower_O; last lra.
by iDestruct (ec_contradict with "[$]") as "[]".
wp_apply (read_counter_spec _ _ _ _ (λ n, ⌜(n>0)%nat⌝)%I with "[$Hcounter Hc]"); first done.
{ iIntros.
iDestruct (counter_content_agree with "[$][$]") as "<-".
iFrame. iModIntro. iPureIntro. lia.
iApply "HΦ".
iPureIntro; lia.

End client.

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