loggy implements a simple streaming grpc service.
make builds all the files, then run server.exe and client.exe in different terminals:
2020/08/19 00:43:36 Listening on tcp://localhost:50111
2020/08/19 00:43:43 Started stream
2020/08/19 00:43:44 Received value
2020/08/19 00:43:44 Got 2020-08-19T00:43:44.474707353+05:30
2020/08/19 00:43:45 Received value
2020/08/19 00:43:43 Sleeping...
2020/08/19 00:43:44 msg: "2020-08-19T00:43:44.474707353+05:30"
2020/08/19 00:43:44 Sleeping...
2020/08/19 00:43:45 msg: "2020-08-19T00:43:45.47600339+05:30"
2020/08/19 00:43:45 Sleeping...
Sign up
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Email":"[email protected]", "Password":"a"}' http://localhost:8080/api/public/signup
{"created_at":"2021-09-01T18:59:09.10998+05:30","updated_at":"2021-09-01T18:59:09.10998+05:30","deleted_at":null,"ID":"2eba827d0fcb43c491c376f8e6ea95c5","name":"","email":"[email protected]","password":"$2a$14$WpD40lIz973owdfENHPUseNfnO9lA1/dsLpkeeb7rtGWvntv7o/yS","api_key":"c32951dc491c4f05872747d1cc8a18cc"}%
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "Email":"[email protected]", "Password":"a"}' http://localhost:8080/api/public/login
Test With API key
go run scripts/apikey/main.go -apikey=c32951dc491c4f05872747d1cc8a18cc
Users (id) -> Apps (id) -> Devices (id) -> Sessions (id) -> Messages
client needs to generate a protobuf from loggy/loggy.proto
- Login - Access Token
- Rest API - Using Gin
- db as users
GRPC - Web
- Access Token and User ID in the metadata
GRPC Android
- Client ID to validate (constant)
- Associate client id with app id (web integration)
Access Token review
Secret to generate access token is hard coded
Client ID generation (short string)
Should be able the user id