"toscana" stands for TerritOrial Solar Cadastre modeling and ANAlysis.
is a tool aimed at obtaining a solar cadastre at the territory or municipality scale.
It is based on the SEBE
algorithm from UMEP
This tool facilitates simulation over large scale by gathering and consolidating all the pre-processing and post-processing tasks. Additionaly, the tool was developped with the goal of being suitable for mountainous territories by considering local and far masks.
has been developped to be compatible with open-access databases for the French territory, but can be adapated for other databases (after adjusting them to the required format).
An example of usage is provided in the tests folder in test
To run the example, you need at least to specify a working_directory
(a folder path) in the test
file (line 26).
The example will allow you to obtain a solar cadastre for the village of La Croix-de-la-Rochette (INSEE code : 73095).
There are two options to execute this test :
- First option : set
to True. This will utilize two functions that allow for the direct downloading of the BDTOPO (IGN) for the chosen departement and the raster files from OpenDem for the selected municipality. - Second option : set
to False, and download the data from toscana_test_data. Then, place these downloaded data in a subfolder named DATA within your specified working directory. These data can be obtained as follows :- The shapefiles BATIMENT and COMMUNE can be found by downloading the dataset from the BDTOPO for departement 73 (IGN database).\
- BATI.shp can be found in the subfolder : "/BDTOPO/1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_XXXX-XX-XXXXX/BDT_X-X_SHP_LAMB93_D073-EDXXXX-XX-XX/BATI/".\
- XXXX represents numbers that depend on the version of the dataset. \
- The raster file N245E400.tif can be downloaded from OpenDem.
- The shapefiles BATIMENT and COMMUNE can be found by downloading the dataset from the BDTOPO for departement 73 (IGN database).\
If the first option is selected, the municipality can be changed by modifying village_name
, village_INSEE_code
and village_departement
Three main inputs are required to use this package : one shapefile with the municipality/territory footprint, one shapefile with the building footprints and one raster file with a DEM.
was designed to utilize shapefiles from the BDTOPO database produced by IGN. Two inputs are required from the BDTOPO : COMMUNE.shp and BATIMENT.shp.
is configured for the use of raster in IGNF: ETRS89LAEA coordinate reference system. Such rasters can be found on the OpenDEM portal.
To utilize all functions within the package, the following input data requirements must be met:
- Building footprint : projected in EPSG:2154, with a column named "HAUTEUR" representing the maximum building height.
- Municipality footprint : projected in EPSG:2154, with a column named "INSEE_COM" containing the INSEE code of the municipality (for France) and a column named "POPULATION" with the number of inhabitants (only used for post-processing).
- DEM (Digital Elevation Model) : projected in IGNF:ETRS89LAEA, covering a larger extent than the municipality footprint, with a recommended resolution of 1 meter.
Many other databases are available and could be compatible with functions available in toscana
The raster and shapefile databases should share the same projection (preferably matching the raster's projection, as reprojecting a raster is more complex). A function is available to reproject the shapefile from BDTOPO (EPSG:2154) into the IGNF:ETRS89LAEA projection.
If the shapefile are in a different projection than EPSG:2154, they should be pre-processed using software/package like QGIS, although toscana
does not provide such pre-processing functions.
Most of the function are designed to be used with IGNF:ETRS89LAEA projection, but for many of them, it is possible to specify the name of an alternative projection.
For ease of use with toscana
, a DEM projected in IGNF:ETRS89LAEA is recommended. IGNF:ETRS89LAEA is a projected coordinate reference systems with coordinates in meters. Some functions will work only with projected coordinate systems.
In the shapefile containing building footprints, a column indicating building height should be present. By default, the column name is "HAUTEUR", but this can be changed if the shapefile is not derived from BDTOPO.
For the shapefile containing the municipality footprints, a column with the INSEE code of the studied municipality should be included (unique code). If the studied territory is not a French municipality, data should be preprocessed to obtain the footprint of the territory in a shapefile. Additionally, in this shapefile, the "POPULATION" column is used for post-processing results, but it is optional.
Three pieces of information are needed to start the simulation : the village name, the village INSEE code and the departement. The village name can be replaced by the name of the territory to study. The INSEE code is usefull to select the territory footprint. If it's not available, the footprint needs to be obtained using another method. The departement and the INSEE code are also needed for post-processing but are optional for this initial step.
Some comon problems have been identified and have not yet been resolved:
- Meteorological files are obtained from PVGIS. If the municipality is located close to the sea, there may be occasions where some meteorological data cannot be downloaded. If certain meteorological files cannot be downloaded, several options can be selected to average the available meteorological data.
- Erroneous meteorological files can cause the SEBE calculation to fail.
- The meteorological data are processed in SEBE : the diffuse and direct irradiation components are redistributed into sky vault patches. If meteorological files are averaged, this redistribution can result in some components becoming negative, leading to negative irradiation received by surfaces (which is physically impossible).
- To address negative results from the SEBE calculation, the direct and diffuse irradiation components could be estimated from global irradiation. However, in some cases, the sky irradiance distribution could failed if these components are estimated from global irradiation.
You can access the documentation in 3 ways:
- embedded help within your IDE regarding specific
functions - the HTML version of this documentation: simply open (with your browser) the file
- the PDF version of this documentation:
was successfully tested on the following setup:
installed within this environment (LTS release)python=3.10
- plugins
andUMEP for processing
installed through the Qgis GUI
Installation is a 2 steps process:
- Creation of the conda environment
- Installation of
Below is a small code snippet that would set up a proper conda environment:
conda create -n toscana_env python=3.10
conda activate toscana_env
conda install -y conda-forge::qgis=3.34 conda-forge::pvlib conda-forge::matplotlib-scalebar
conda install -y rasterio matplotlib tqdm scipy scikit-learn shapely geopandas pandas
If needed, you might install the draco
and py7zr
conda install conda-forge::gsl conda-forge::draco conda-forge::py7zr
Don't forget to install UMEP
and UMEP for processing
from Qgis Plugin Manager!
- Activate your conda environment (
) - Run
pip install toscana
note: installation of packages using pip
within a conda environment is usually depreciated, yet this one is very unlikely to break your environment.
- Clone this repository:
git clone <Github_repo>
- Move to the cloned directory:
cd toscana
- Activate your conda environment (
) - Run
pip install .
to install thetoscana
You can test your installation by running import toscana
inside a Python interpreter.
A conda package might be available in a near future.
The solar cadastres created with toscana
are based on calculations performed using SEBE algorithms developed in the UMEP plugin for QGIS.
Calculations can be time-consuming if the size of the studied territory is too large. Therefore, the territory is divided into tiles, and simulations are conducted per tile. The required inputs include a DSM (Digital Surface Model), a raster file containing wall aspect data and one containing wall height data, and a meteorological file.
A different meteorological file is used for each grid tile, allowing to consider the various far masks at different locations (especially in the mountainous territory).
allows averaging of meteorological files to address discontinuities caused by low resolution of weather data.
Meteorological files are sourced from the SARAH-2 database and downloaded from PVGIS. They are taking into account the far masks.
However, the resolution of this dataset is only 5km, which means that two simulation tiles belonging to different parts of the SARAH-2 database can result in significantly different meteorological files.
To mitigate large differences and discontinuities in input weather data that could lead to substantial variations in calculated irradiance, toscana
allows averaging of meteorological files.
An average of the weather files from the studied tile and its 12 neighbouring tiles is computed, with weights depending on the distance between the center of each neighbouring tile and the studied tile, and based on the normal distribution.
Data preparation is necessary before running the calculation to obtain the solar cadastre with toscana
. This tool is designed to study a specific delimited territory (such as a municipality).
The footprint of the territory must be obtained and must be in the same projection as the DEM, wich represents the elevation of the terrain. Therefore, shapefiles must be reprojected into the correct reference system. The grid is then created based on the footprint of the territory.
The DEM may need to be resampled if its resolution is too low, especially because it will be modified to include the height of the buildings.
was also developed to calculate irradiation on building rooftops.
After obtaining the solar cadastre, post processing is performed to calculate the mean irradiation per building. Buffers are created to exclude the edges of the buildings because edges typically receive much lower irradiation than the rest of the rooftop.
allows visualization of the results including the DEM, the solar map, a map displaying the mean irradiation per building.
Additionally, the mean irradiation per building is displayed as an histogram. The histogram often fits very well the Johnson's SU distribution for the majority of French municipalities.
Futhermore, toscana
allows calculating severam indicators such as a Sky View Index, a Diffuse Fraction Index and also indicators related to the description of the distribution of the mean irradiation per building.
Apolline Ferry is the author of this code, developed during her PhD thesis. You can contact her by email at : [email protected] or sending a message on GitHub.
The code is distributed under an Apache-2.0 license. Most of the development work was conducted during a PhD thesis funded by UNITA.