- 📖 About the Project
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- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- ❓ FAQ
- 📝 License
This project is about realize a complete analisis of the telecomunications sector in Argentina.
Must be considered the internet sector, to orientate the company in providing a good quality of its services, identify growth opportunities and be able to propose personalized solutions to its potential customers.
The project is divided into three main sections:
EDA: Exploratory Data Analysis, this section will be responsible for the analysis of the data, to understand the data, its structure and its relation with the other data.
Dashboard: Interactive Dashboard, it must be functional and include filters, allowing the data to be explored in detail with the selection of each one of them.
KPIs: Key Performance Indicators, it have to measure the proposed KPIs below, representing it appropriately on the dashboard. The proposed KPIs are:
- Increase access to internet service by 2% for the next quarter, every 100 homes, per province.
- Increase the income by 1% plus the IPC of the previous quarter.
- Decrease the ADSL use by 5% from the previous quarter to force technological change
- Interactive Dashboard
- EDA for national and provincial data
- KPI's
Packages from requirements.txt
Github account to clone repo
git clone [email protected]:lmunozm1702/telecom_dashboard.git
cd telecom_dashboard
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run src/dashboard.py
pytest tests/test_utils.py
👤 Luis Muñoz
- GitHub: @lmunozm1702
- Email: [email protected]
- linkedIn: @l-munoz-m
- All Features were delivered.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project please give it a star 😁🌟✨
soyhenry.com team and the Streamlit Community
The shield.io team, for the badges used in this README.md file.