Web-based interface to interact with NREL's [FLORIS] (https://github.com/nrel/floris) wind turbine wake simulation software built with Plotly Dash.
The objective of this project is to design and build a set of tools for preprocessing and postprocessing of FLORIS data. There are three major components:
- Input data creation and visualization
- Farm performance dashboard
- 3D flow field inspection
We are interested in designing a model builder with step-by-step input/user-interaction
Turbine: (2 tabs, 'Geometry' & 'Cp/Ct Table')
Geometry: will have several interactive sliders and connected input/output values -TABS: Method 1 - content as callback (https://dash.plotly.com/dash-core-components/tabs) -SLIDER/INPUT: Synchronizing a Slider with a Text Input Example (https://dash.plotly.com/advanced-callbacks)
Cp/Ct Table: should have a text input for the Cp/Ct values or an option to load a table from a file
These values should be stored into a hard coded dictionary, inputing values with respect to their key i.e. dictionary["Power"] = Cp_values
we can access prop_id's and values, it is stored as a dictionary and describes which id from the dcc.Slider and dcc.Input is being used so we can set both values to be equal, if not, it was tested that the input of one would not update until the next input was given (meaning the the dcc.input or dcc.slider output would not display the same output):
ctx = dash.callback_context
trigger_id = ctx.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]
value = input_value if trigger_id == "input-circular" else slider_value
return value, value