This is a small quarkus demo project that can be used to deploy to openshift
oc new-project demo-jvm
oc new-app
oc expose svc q-app
This will checkout this project into a container and build a JAR file and create a runnable container. The new-app command will also create a service and deployment configurations for us.
To deploy this application as a native build using the Quarkus S2I image do the following
oc new-project demo-s2i-native
oc new-app --name=q-app
oc cancel-build bc/q-app
oc patch bc/q-app -p '{"spec":{"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"4", "memory":"4Gi"}}}}'
oc start-build q-app
# wait for the build to finish (web console or `oc logs -f bc/q-app`)
oc expose svc q-app
The reason that we are cancelling the build shortly after creating it (in the oc new-app
command) is because the default resource that OpenShift uses to build a native application using GraalVM isn't enough. Therefor we first patch the build config giving it more resources and then start the build again.
In the Deploy as S2I example the container that builds the native application is also running the application. This means that the image contains both OpenJDK, GraalVM, Maven, etc even though that is not required to run the application.
An alternative way of deploying this is to use a chained build process where we have one build process to build the native application and another one that creates a minimal container that only consists of the base container and the native application it self.
The following commands will create a chained build.
oc new-project demo-minimal-native
oc new-build --name=q-app-build
oc cancel-build bc/q-app-build
oc patch bc/q-app-build -p '{"spec":{"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"4", "memory":"4Gi"}}}}'
oc start-build q-app-build
oc new-build --name=q-app \ \
--source-image=q-app-build \
--source-image-path='/home/quarkus/application:.' \
--dockerfile=$'FROM\nCOPY application /application\nCMD /application -Xmx8M -Xms8M -Xmn8M\nEXPOSE 8080' \
# wait for the build to finish (web console or `oc logs -f bc/q-app`)
oc new-app q-app
oc expose svc q-app