A lightweight ECL based QML-only binding to Qt5/Qt6.
This small project aims to simplify all the steps needed for building cross-platform apps. The same sources can be used to build executables for both desktop (Linux/macOS/Windows) and mobile (android/iOS/SailfishOS).
A new feature is auto reloading of QML files after saving any changes. This works both on the desktop and on mobile.
As a concrete example, you may have running your app on the desktop, and have both an android mobile device plus an iOS mobile device pointing to the IP of the desktop. Now you will see any change to QML on all 3 screens simultaneously.
This even works (with some limitations, and only in this advanced example) at QML file level, which means: only the QML file currently edited is reloaded, preserving the state of all other QML files, and -- more importantly -- the current view in case of nested page structures.
Both ECL and Qt5/Qt6 are LGPL (being Qt6 a special case to consider).
LQML is BSD 0 clause.
The examples are tested with both Qt5.15 and Qt6. For differences in Qt6 (mostly in QML) see examples/Qt6/. It's recommended to use the new Qt online installer (see readme-qt), where you can choose to install different Qt versions side by side, sharing the same Qt Creator.
- port to CMake (?)
Qt works (obviously) perfectly well on Linux.
On macOS instead, I found this a little annoying bug: after a QML property change in Slime, the QQuickView is not updating. So, for a visual update you need to (sometimes) click on the view to actually see the property changes.
The Windows version is only meant to run on the desktop, using the (free) MSVC compiler. Please see readme-windows for details.
On Sailfish it runs using Qt5.15 and qt-runner, so it's not really 'native' (in a pure sense) and doesn't have native look and feel, but that's the only feasible way to run it on that platform, see readme-sailfish.
(Needless to say, this is - by far - the nicest experience you can have developing for mobile.)
to make Qt5.15.2 work with Xcode 15, see patch here
on iOS, functions
etc. don't updatefile-position
(ECL bug?); for a workaround see hack here
See reddit/lqml_user.