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This repository contains Building, Training, Saving and deployment code for the model built on Boston Housing Dataset to predict Median Value of owner-specified homes in $1000s (MEDV).


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Boston_Housing_DataSet - MEDV predictor.

This repo contains files to code that deploys an API endpoint for a user to predict Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000s (MEDV). The model was trained on the Boston Housing Dataset.

Build and retrain the model.

A notebook with steps about building, training and running the model is provided with steps shown.


Please open the notebook shown above and run through the steps.

Directory Structure

The directory structure is provided below.

├── Boston_Housing_Model_Building.ipynb
├── Dockerfile
├── HousingData_test.csv
├── HousingData_train.csv
├── knn_imputer.joblib
├── requirements.txt
├── templates
│   ├── base.html
│   ├── index.html
│   └── output.html
└── xg_regressor.joblib

Build steps:

Listed below are different ways to build and run the system. There are a total of 3 ways to build and run the system. They are:

  1. Build from the git repo.
  2. Build using docker image.

1. Build from the git repo.

  • Clone the project Git repo.

    foo@bar:~$ git clone
  • Move into the project directory.

    foo@bar:~$ cd Boston-Housing-DataSet-Predictor
  • Create a virtual environment and activate it.

    foo@bar:~$ python3 -m venv
    foo@bar:~$ source venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements from requirements.txt

    (venv) foo@bar:~$ pip install -r requirements.txt


NOTE : Steps to run shown below in Steps To RUN the web server in To run locally using py file section:


2.) Pull from Docker Hub / Build Docker Image Locally:

2.1) Build using docker image.


  • Pull image from docker hub.
    foo@bar:~$ docker pull likithponnanna/boston-housing-predictor
  • Run the image that was pulled. Below port 5000 is mapped between the external and docker container.
    foo@bar:~$ docker run -p 5000:5000 boston-housing-predictor

NOTE : Steps to run also shown below in Steps To RUN the web server in To run the docker image section.


2.2 Build from docker hub locally using the DockerFile provided:

  • To build the docker image using the dockerfile locally run the following command before initiating docker run.
    foo@bar:~$ git clone
    foo@bar:~$ cd Boston-Housing-DataSet-Predictor
    foo@bar:~$ docker build -t boston-housing-predictor .
  • Run the docker image with port specified.
    foo@bar:~$ docker run -p 5000:5000 boston-housing-predictor

NOTE : Steps to run also shown below in Steps To RUN the web server in To run the docker image section.


Steps To RUN the web server:

  1. To run locally.
  2. To run the docker image.

1.) To run locally using py file.

(venv) foo@bar:~$ python

2.) To run the docker image.

Run the docker image with port specified.

   foo@bar:~$ docker run -p 5000:5000 boston-housing-predictor

Navigate through the web deployment:

There are 2 ways of using the web deployment.

  1. Using GUI
  2. Using API call

1.) Using GUI:

  • Navigate to or http://localhost:5000/ (Replace port number if its a different port on your machine. The default port above is 5000).
  • Two text fields with pre-filled test data along with a blue Process button is displayed.
  • Change the input field to the required test input.
  • Click on _Process__
  • A new screen with Translucent alert box is shown with the corresponding MEDV predicted.
  • Click on Retry? button to go back to the main screen and repeat the process.

2.)Using API call:

  "CRIM": 9.39063,
  "ZN": 0.0,
  "INDUS": 18.1,
  "CHAS": 0,
  "NOX": 0.74,
  "RM": 5.627,
  "AGE": 93.9,
  "DIS": 1.8172,
  "RAD": 24.0,
  "TAX": 666.0,
  "PTRATIO": 20.2,
  "B": 396.9,
  "LSTAT": 22.88
  • An example curl command is
curl -d '{ "CRIM"  : 9.39063,  "ZN"    : 0.0,  "INDUS" : 18.1, "CHAS"  : 0, "NOX"    : 0.740,   "RM"    : 5.627,  "AGE"   : 93.9, "DIS"   : 1.8172, "RAD"   : 24.0, "TAX"  : 666.0, "PTRATIO":20.2, "B"     : 396.90, "LSTAT" : 22.880 }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • An API response json is returned with the the predicted MEDV value.



This repository contains Building, Training, Saving and deployment code for the model built on Boston Housing Dataset to predict Median Value of owner-specified homes in $1000s (MEDV).








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