The LSX Login extension allows users to log into a dashboard and then see configurable content based on which users can access which content.
Add aditional links to the login widget, the links are sent via an indexed array $links;
Disable the frontend login template, if you just want to use the login widget.
add_filter('lsx_login_disable_template', function( $bool ) { return true; });
Or disble the tempalte for specific pages, below is an example you would use to disable the tempalte on the home page.
function disable_homepage_login_template($disable=false){
if(is_home() || is_front_page()){
$disable = true;
return $disable;
Allow Plugins to add their own widgets to the dashboard.
Allow plugins to add in their own tabs
$tabs = array(
'dashboard' => array(
'label' => esc_html__('Dashboard','lsx-login'),
'callback' => 'lsx_my_account_dashboard_tab',
add_filter('lsx_my_account_tabs', $tabs);