Hadoop in-memory file system for usage in unit and integration tests.
It resembles semantics of cloud-based file systems and can be used as a replacement in tests.
The file system uses the components from the URI, e.g. scheme, authority, host, and port, that is passed when the file system is initialised making it easy to test S3, ABFS, or WASB paths.
val conf = new Configuration()
conf.set("fs.s3a.impl", classOf[InMemoryFileSystem].getName)
val p = new Path("s3a://bucket/path")
val fs = path.getFileSystem(conf)
// All paths will be resolved against "s3a://bucket"
// For example, the code below would return "s3a://bucket/a/b/file"
fs.getFileStatus(new Path("/a/b/file")).getPath
You can just copy InMemoryFileSystem.java,
it only depends on hadoop-common
TODO: set up a maven dependency for download.
If you want to compile the code, run sbt build
If you want to run unit tests, run sbt test