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Lightweight customizable cross-browser jQuery datepicker, built with es5 and css-flexbox. Works in all modern desktop and mobile browsers (tested on Android 4.4+ and iOS8+).

fdatepicker image


Use one of the releases on github or download the files directly


Include styles and scripts from /dist directory:

        <link href="dist/css/fdatepicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <script src="dist/js/fdatepicker.min.js"></script>

        <!-- Include English language -->
        <script src="dist/js/i18n/fdatepicker.en.js"></script>

Datepicker will automatically initialize on elements with class .fdatepicker-here, options may be sent via data attributes.

<input type='text' class="fdatepicker-here" data-position="right top" />

Manual initialization

// Initialization
// Access instance of plugin


Initialization with default options

<input type='text' class='fdatepicker-here' data-language='en' />

Selecting multiple dates

Pass parameter {multipleDates: true}for selection of multiple dates. If you want to limit the number of selected dates, pass the desired number {multipleDates: 3}.

<input type="text"
       data-multiple-dates-separator=", "
       data-position='top left'/>

Permanently visible calendar

Initialize plugin on non text input element, such as <div> ... </div>,or pass the parameter {inline: true}.

<div class="fdatepicker-here" data-language='en'></div>

Month selection

<input type="text"
       data-date-format="M Y" />

Minimum and maximum dates

To limit date selection, use minDateand maxDate, they must receive JavaScript Date object.

    language: 'en',
    minDate: new Date() // Now can select only dates, which goes after today

Range of dates

Use {range: true}for choosing range of dates. As dates separator multipleDatesSeparatorwill be used.

For possibility to select same date two times, you should set {toggleSelected: false}.

<input type="text"
    data-multiple-dates-separator=" - "

Disable days of week

For disabling days, use onRenderCell.

// Make Sunday and Saturday disabled
var disabledDays = [0, 6];

    language: 'en',
    onRenderCell: function (date, cellType) {
        if (cellType == 'day') {
            var day = date.getDay(),
                isDisabled = disabledDays.indexOf(day) != -1;

            return {
                disabled: isDisabled

Custom cells content

Air Datepicker allows you to change contents of cells like you want. You could use onRenderCellfor this purpose. Lets add extra elements to several dates, and show lorem text when selecting them.

var eventDates = [1, 10, 12, 22],
    $picker = $('#custom-cells'),
    $content = $('#custom-cells-events'),
    sentences = [ &#x2026; ];

    language: 'en',
    onRenderCell: function (date, cellType) {
        var currentDate = date.getDate();
        // Add extra element, if `eventDates` contains `currentDate`
        if (cellType == 'day' && eventDates.indexOf(currentDate) != -1) {
            return {
                html: currentDate + '<span class="dp-note"></span>'
    onSelect: function onSelect(fd, date) {
        var title = '', content = ''
        // If date with event is selected, show it
        if (date && eventDates.indexOf(date.getDate()) != -1) {
            title = fd;
            content = sentences[Math.floor(Math.random() * eventDates.length)];
        $('strong', $content).html(title)
        $('p', $content).html(content)

// Select initial date from `eventDates`
var currentDate = currentDate = new Date();
$'fdatepicker').selectDate(new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), 10))

Showing and hiding calendar

For adding some actions while datepicker is showing or hiding, use onShowand onHidecallbacks.

    language: 'en',
    onShow: function(dp, animationCompleted){
        if (!animationCompleted) {
            log('start showing')
        } else {
            log('finished showing')
    onHide: function(dp, animationCompleted){
        if (!animationCompleted) {
            log('start hiding')
        } else {
            log('finished hiding')


To enable timepicker use option {timepicker: true}- it will add current time and a couple of range sliders by which one can pick time.

By default current user time will be set. This value can be changed by startDateparameter.

<div class="fdatepicker-here" data-timepicker="true" data-language='en'></div>

More detailed info about timepicker parameters you can find in Options.

Time format

Time format is defined in localization object or in timeFormatparameter. By default (in English language) 12 hours format is used. For enabling 12 hours mode you must add aor A symbol in timeFormat. After what 'AM' and 'PM' sings will appear in timepicker widget.

As an example, lets use 24 hours mode in English language:

<div class="fdatepicker-here" data-timepicker="true" data-time-format='G:i'></div>

Actions with time

For setting max/min hours or minutes values use maxHours, minHours, maxMinutes, minMinutes. You also could set time in minDateand maxDate. For setting hours you must use values between 0 and 23, event if 12 hours mode is on. Plugin will automatically transform given values to 12 hours format.

Lets create a calendar where the user can choose the time between 09:00 am and 06:00 pm on working days and on Saturday and Sunday between 10:00 am and 04:00 pm.

<input type='text' id='timepicker-actions-exmpl' />
    // Create start date
    var start = new Date(),
        startHours = 9;

    // 09:00 AM

    // If today is Saturday or Sunday set 10:00 AM
    if ([6, 0].indexOf(start.getDay()) != -1) {
        startHours = 10

        timepicker: true,
        language: 'en',
        startDate: start,
        minHours: startHours,
        maxHours: 18,
        onSelect: function (fd, d, picker) {
            // Do nothing if selection was cleared
            if (!d) return;

            var day = d.getDay();

            // Trigger only if date is changed
            if (prevDay != undefined && prevDay == day) return;
            prevDay = day;

            // If chosen day is Saturday or Sunday when set
            // hour value for weekends, else restore defaults
            if (day == 6 || day == 0) {
                    minHours: 10,
                    maxHours: 16
            } else {
                    minHours: 9,
                    maxHours: 18


You can add your localization to object $.fn.datepicker.language["my-lang"]and pass it name to parameter language

// Add custom localization
$.fn.fdatepicker.language['my-lang'] = {...}

// Initialize datepicker with it
    language: 'my-lang'

You can also pass localization object directly in language

    language: {
        days: [...]

If some fields are missing, they will be taken from default localization object ('English').

Example of localization object

$.fn.fdatepicker.language['en'] = {
    days: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
    daysShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
    daysMin: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],
    months: ['January','February','March','April','May','June', 'July','August','September','October','November','December'],
    monthsShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
    today: 'Today',
    clear: 'Clear',
    dateFormat: 'm/d/Y',
    timeFormat: 'H:i A'
    firstDay: 0

Available localizations located in dist/js/i18n directory.



Type string|jQuery

Default ""

Alternative text input field (example: altField='#my-alt-field-id'). Use altFieldDateFormat for date formatting.


Type string

Default "u"

Date format for alternative field. Use php date format notation.


Type string

Default ","

Alternative field dates separator, which will be used when concatenating dates to string.


Type boolean

Default false

If true, then after date selection, datepicker will be closed.


Type string

Default ""

Extra css classes for datepicker.


Type boolean

Default false

If true, then button "Clear" will be visible.


Type boolean

Default false

If true, then button "Close" will be visible.


Type string

Default ""

Desirable date format. Use php date format notation.


Type string

Default " "

Separator between date and time


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then at the date, which would be less than minimum possible or more then maximum possible, navigation buttons ('forward', 'back') will be deactivated.


Type number

Default ""

Day index from which week will be started. Possible values are from 0 to 6, where 0 - Sunday and 6 - Saturday. By default value is taken from current localization, but if it passed here then it will have higher priority.


Type number

Default 1

Hours step in slider.


Type boolean

Default false

If true, then datepicker will be always visible.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then one can navigate through calendar by keyboard.

Hot keys:

  • Ctrl + → | ↑ move one month forwards
  • Ctrl + ← | ↓ move one month backwards
  • Shift + → | ↑ move one year forwards
  • Shift + ← | ↓ move one year backwards
  • Alt + → | ↑ move 10 years forwards
  • Alt + ← | ↓ move 10 years backwards
  • Ctrl + Shift + ↑ move to next view
  • Esc hides datepicker


Type string|object

Default "en"

Datepicker's language. If string is passed, then language will be searched in Datepicker.languageobject. If object is passed, then data will be taken from this object directly.

If some fields are missing, they will be taken from default localization object ('English').


Type Date

Default ""

The maximum date for selection. All dates which comes after it cannot be selected.


Type number

Default 23

Maximum hours value, must be between 0 and 23. You will not be able to choose value higher than this.


Type number

Default 59

Maximum minutes value, must be between 0 and 59. You will not be able to choose value higher than this.


Type Date

Default ""

The minimum date for selection. All dates, running before it can't be activated.


Type number

Default 0

Minimal hours value, must be between 0 and 23. You will not be able to choose value lower than this.


Type number

Default 0

Minimal minutes value, must be between 0 and 59. You will not be able to choose value lower than this.


Type string

Default "days"

Minimal datepicker's view, on that view selecting cells will not trigger rendering next view, instead it will activate it. Possible values are the same as in view.


Type number

Default 1

Minutes step in slider.


Type string

Default "monthsShort"

Field name from localization object which should be used as months names, when view is 'months'.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then selecting days from other month, will cause transition to that month.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then selecting year from other decade, will cause transition to that decade.


Type boolean|number

Default false

If true, then one can select unlimited dates. If number is passed, then amount of selected dates will be limited by it.


Type string

Default ","

Dates separator, which will be used when concatenating dates to string.


Type object


navTitles = {
      days: 'M, <i>Y</i>',
      months: 'Y',
      years: 'Y1 - Y2'

Content of datepicker's title depending on current view, can use same notation as in parameter dateFormat. Missing fields will be taken from default values. Html tags are also possible. The notation Y1 - Y2 will show a decade selection (eg. 2010-2019).

       navTitles: {
           days: '<h3>Check in date:</h3> M, Y'


Type string

Default <svg><path d="M 14,12 l 5,5 l -5,5"></path></svg>

Contents of 'prev' button.


Type number

Default 12

Offset from the main positioning axes.


Type string

Default <svg><path d="M 17,12 l -5,5 l 5,5"></path></svg>

Contents of 'next' button.


Type string

Default "bottom left"

Position of datepicker relative to text input. First value is name of main axis, and second is position on that axis. For example {position: "right top"}- will set datepicker's position from right side on top of text input.


Type boolean

Default false

For selecting dates range, turn this option to true. multipleDatesSeparatorwill be used as dates separator.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then one can select days form other months.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then on can select years from other decades


Type string

Default "focus"

Event type on which the datepicker should be shown.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then days from other months will be visible.


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then years from other decades will be visible.


Type Date

Default new Date()

This date will be shown at first initialization.


Type string

Default null

Desirable time format. Use php date format notation.


Type boolean

Default false

If true, when timepicker widget will be added.


Type boolean|Date

Default false

If true, then button "Today" will be visible. If Date is passed then click event will also select passed date.

// Select today
    todayButton: new Date()


Type boolean

Default true

If true, then clicking on selected cell will remove selection.


Type string

Default "days"

Start datepicker view. Possible values are:

  • days display days of one month
  • months display months of one year
  • years display years of one decade


Type array

Default [6, 0] (Saturday and Sunday)

Array of day's indexes which will be considered as weekends. Class .-weekend- will be added to relevant cells.


onSelect(formattedDate, date, inst)

Type function

Default null

Callback when selecting date

  • formattedDate string - formatted date.
  • date Date|array - JavaScript Date objectif {multipleDates: true}, then it will be an array of js dates.
  • inst object - plugin instance.

onShow(inst, animationCompleted)

Type function

Default null

Callback when calendar is showing.

  • inst Object - plugin instance.
  • animationCompleted boolean - animation indicator. If its false, when animation has just begun, if true- already ended.

onHide(inst, animationCompleted)

Type function

Default null

Callback when calendar is hiding.

  • inst Object - plugin instance.
  • animationCompleted boolean - animation indicator. If its false, when animation has just begun, if true- already ended.

onChangeMonth(month, year)

Type function

Default null

Callback when months are changed.

  • month number - month number (from 0 to 12), to which transition is done.
  • year number - year, to which transition is done.


Type function

Default null

Callback when year is changed

  • year number - year, to which transition is done.


Type function

Default null

Callback when decade is changed

  • decade array - array which consists of two years: first year in decade and last year in decade.


Type function

Default null

Callback when datepicker's view is changed

  • view string - view name, to which transition is done (days, months, years).

onRenderCell(date, cellType)

Type function

Default null

Callback when datepicker's cell is rendered.

  • date Date - current cell date
  • cellType string - current cell type (day, month, year).

The callback must return object which may consists of three fields:

    html: '', // Custom cell content
    classes: '', // Extra css classes to cell
    disabled: '' // true/false, if true, then cell will be disabled


    // Let's make a function which will add class 'my-class' to every 11 of the month
    // and make these cells disabled.
    onRenderCell: function(date, cellType) {
        if (cellType == 'day' && date.getDate() == 11) {
            return {
                classes: 'my-class',
                disabled: true


Plugin instance is accessible through dataattribute.

var myDatepicker = $('#my-elem').fdatepicker().data('fdatepicker');;


Shows datepicker.


Hides datepicker.


Destroys datepicker.


Renders next month, year or decade, depending on current view.


Renders previous month, year or decade, depending on current view.


  • date Date|Array|CSV - JavaScript Date(), or array of dates, or CSV list of dates (easier than arrays).

Activates passed date or multiple dates if array is passed. If {multipleDates: false}and date is already active, then it will be deactivated. If {multipleDates: true}then another active date will be added.


  • date Date - JavaScript Date()

Removes selection from passed date.


Clears all selected dates.

update(field[, value])

  • field string|object - field name which must be updated.
  • field string|* - new value.

This method updates datepicker's options. After calling this method, datepicker will be redrawn. You can update several parameters at one time, just pass in object with necessary fields.

var mydatepicker = $('#my-elem').fdatepicker().data('fdatepicker');
// Single parameter update
mydatepicker.update('minDate', new Date())
// Multiple parameters
    position: "top right",
    maxDate: new Date(),
    todayButton: true


Sets new view for datepicker.

fdatepicker.view = 'months';


Sets new viewing date for datepicker, must pass a JavaScript Date object Date() = new Date();


Datepicker's DOM element


Array of selected dates


Cool jQuery datepicker







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