=========== The Ext.ux.grid.TriStateTree http://wap7.ru/folio/ext-tri-state-tree/
Features: Extends Ext.tree.Panel If a parent node is checked / unchecked, all its child nodes are automatically checked / unchecked too. If only some children of a node are selected, its checkbox remains checked, but with a third visual state, using a darkened background.
- A single file (checkboxes.gif) defines all the three images. getSelections method returns list of checked data as objects for simple backend serialization as [{id: 123}, {id: 345} ...]
- If called with parameter id_only (bool) - it returns list of checked data as [123, 345]
- If ALL_ID value found, only ALL_ID returned. as [{id: 1}]
- By default only leaf nodes id`s returned. You can configure it via 'returnLeafsOnly' property. setSelections method consumes list of IDS [123,456,789] or objects [{id: 123}, {id: 345}]
- Pass ALL_ID value in input list to check all.