This is a collection of apps I have developed for various courses I buy online, feel free to use them for whatever you want.
From Rob Percival's Udemy Course
Simple guessing game between iPhone and User
From Rob Percival's Udemy Course
Real basic app with simple math to find out Cat's age
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
Very basic app just to learn layouts, constraints, actions, etc
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
Retro styled calculator, working correctly. Cool project to apply some cool stuff like IBActions for multiple buttons, UIStackView, etc.
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
List app to understand and learn the concepts of lists, adapters, web views on iOS.
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
App that lists dream purchases on different stores, mainly to learn about CoreData.
As a challenge I implemented the Item Category as an extra, not shown on the tutorial.
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
A functional Pokedex based on the PokeAPI.
On this app I practiced API calls using Alamofire, parsing CSV files to fetch some basic data, stackviews and a lot more.
From Udacity's Udemy Intro to iOS App Development with Swift Course
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
Demo that shows how to use ScrollView to swipe left and right and display elements
From Marc Price's Udemy iOS 10 Course
Demo that shows how to use UIStackView to organize elements on screen