A chat system with an admin and users that communicate with the admin. The admin has a special namespace where they can see all active users that want to chat as well as "tabs" where the communication with unique users happens. A MongoDB database is used to persist the messages in each chat room in case of a reload/disconnect event.
git clone https://github.com/lbragile/ChatIn.git
cd ChatIn
npm install
npm start
ORnpm run devStart
- Get communication between client and admin to work
- Admin must have a list of users to choose from to enter the chat room with.
- Database communication to store (persist) messages upon reload/disconnect.
- Optimize Style - make a button for chat pop out like Messenger.
- Registration page, password hashing and storage in database, email verification.
- Login persistence (cookies)
- Bootstrap 4
- NodeJS & ExpressJS
- Socket.io
- MongoDB (Mongoose)
- Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern