Microservice that generates the dump files (CSV, TTL) of mandatendatabank asynchronously. A cron job is embedded in the service to trigger an export at the preconfigured frequency.
To add the service to your stack, add the following snippet to
image: lblod/mandaten-download-generator-service:1.0.0
- ./data/files:/share
- ./config/type-exports.js:/config/type-exports.js
Don't forget to update the dispatcher configuration to route requests to the export service. Files may then be served by the mu-file-service.
The task are modelled in agreement with the cogs:Job and task:Task. The full description should be availible on data.gift (TODO). See also e.g. jobs-controller-service for more information on the model.
PREFIX mu: <http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/core/>
PREFIX task: <http://redpencil.data.gift/vocabularies/tasks/>
PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
PREFIX prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>
PREFIX nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#>
PREFIX ext: <http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/ext/>
PREFIX oslc: <http://open-services.net/ns/core#>
PREFIX cogs: <http://vocab.deri.ie/cogs#>
PREFIX adms: <http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#>
PREFIX export: <http://redpencil.data.gift/vocabularies/exports/>
PREFIX nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#>
PREFIX dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
A file as a result from an export task.
Name | Predicate | Range | Definition |
uuid | mu:uuid | xsd:string | |
classification | export:classification | skos:Concept | |
fileName | nfo:fileName | xsd:string | |
format | dct:format | xsd:string | |
created | dct:created | xsd:dateTime | |
fileSize | nfo:fileSize | xsd:integer | |
extension | dbpedia:fileExtension | xsd:string |
The SPARQL query to execute for the CSV export must be specified in
. Note that the variable names in the SELECT
clause will be used as column headers in the export.
The Turtle export must be specified in /config/type-export.js
. This config
specifies a prefix mapping and a list of RDF types with a set of required and
optional properties that must be exported per type. An additional filter for
clause can be specified per type.
export default {
prefixes: {
mandaat: "http://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/mandaat#",
person: "http://www.w3.org/ns/person#",
foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/"
types: [
type: "mandaat:Mandataris",
requiredProperties: [
optionalProperties: [
additionalFilter: ""
type: "person:Person",
optionalProperties: [
additionalFilter: ""
The following environment variables can be configured:
: cron pattern to configure the frequency of the cron job. The pattern follows the format as specified in node-cron. Defaults to0 0 */2 * * *
, run every 2 hours.EXPORT_FILE_BASE
: base name of the export file. Defaults tomandaten
. The export file will be named{EXPORT_FILE_BASE}-{timestamp}.{csv|ttl}
: batch size used asLIMIT
SPARQL queries per type. Defaults to1000
. To have a complete export, make sureEXPORT_TTL_BATCH_SIZE * number_of_matching_triples
doesn't exceed the maximum number of triples return by the database (e.g.ResultSetMaxRows
: cron pattern to configure the frequency of the function that retries failed tasks. The pattern follows the format as specified in node-cron. Defaults to0 */10 * * * *
, run every 10 minutes.NUMBER_OF_RETRIES
: defined the number of times a task will be retriedFILES_GRAPH
: graph where files must be stored defaults tohttp://mu.semte.ch/graphs/system/jobs
: graph where jobs must be stored defaults tohttp://mu.semte.ch/graphs/system/jobs
: specify the opertation URI (a thing you can attach askos:prefLabel
to) of the instance of this service. E.g.http://lblod.data.gift/id/jobs/concept/TaskOperation/exportMandatarissen
: the classification of the export, to ease filtering. Defaults to:http://redpencil.data.gift/id/exports/concept/GenericExport
Trigger a new export asynchronously.
Returns 202 Accepted
if the export started successfully. The location
response header contains an endpoint to monitor the task status.
Returns 503 Service Unavailable
if an export is already running.
Get the status of an export task.
Returns 200 OK
with a task resource in the response body. Task status is one
of ongoing
, done
, cancelled
or failed
Add the following snippet to your stack during development:
image: semtech/mu-javascript-template:1.8.0
- 8888:80
NODE_ENV: "development"
- /path/to/your/code:/app/
- ./data/exports:/data/exports
- ./config/export:/config
- A migration is wishful if you proviously used 0.x.x versions in your stack.
To convert the old task model to
- It needs to be directly linked to Virtuoso. No support for
queries in the current latest version (v0.6.0-beta.6) of mu-auth. - From a data model perspective: the retry of the task might be confusing. In current implementation, a failed task does not mean that it will stop. It might end once the threshold of retries is reached.
- An option should be added to allow periodic cleanup of the jobs and related exports.
- The name of the service might be more generic.