This bundle provides some of functionality used by a part of our projects
First you need to add lazyants/ToolkitBundle
to composer.json
require: {
"lazyants/toolkit-bundle": "dev-master"
or direct via composer.phar:
./composer.phar require lazyants/ToolkitBundle:dev-master
You also have to add LazyantsToolkitBundle
to your AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Lazyants\ToolkitBundle\LazyantsToolkitBundle()
return $bundles;
LazyantsToolkitBundle::base.html.twig provides some abstract blocks, so you can you use it in your main layout, otherwise you will create probably the same structure anyway.
{% extends 'LazyantsToolkitBundle::base.html.twig' %}
To extract translations automatically for given bundles and locales (and delete duplicated fos user translations):
# app/config/config.yml
bundles: [ 'FrontendBundle', 'BackendBundle' ]
locales: [ 'de', 'en' ]
./app/console lazyants:translation:update
To generate manager (controller, view and form):
./app/console lazyants:generate:manager --entity=ENTITY_NAME
--entity: Mandatory value. The entity class name to initialize (shortcut notation)
--overwrite: Optional value. Do not stop the generation if crud controller already exist, thus overwriting all generated files
--actions: Optional value. List of actions in controller. You will need this option on order to add new methods to controller or remove some from it. Multiple value are possible, f.e.: --actions=index --actions=add --actions=manage --actions=delete
In order to customize generated content, copy ToolkitBundle/Resources/skeleton into app/Resources/LazyantsDoctrineManager/skeleton or YOUR_BUNDLE/Resources/LazyantsDoctrineManager/skeleton. You can now customize controller, views or form. For actions without own view (by default there ist two - new and delete) simply don't create view files. Actions will be still created, if they are present in controller template and provided with --actions. In case of adding new actions or removing some of existing, you should always provide this argument.