The project was started when I bought a used Mazzer Super Jolly and wanted to mod it and control it based on time. I removed the doser from the grinder, added a funnel, had the grinder repainted, and started working on this project.
The project is built in Visual Studio Code.
(click to play video)
- Arduino Nano
- ST7735 1.8" TFT (
- Rotary encoder w. click (Something like
- Relay(s) (I don't really know much about relays and am still experimenting with this. When I originally started this project I did this drawing for my Mazzer Super Jolly, so perhaps two relays are needed.)
- Possibly some sort of power supply
Connection between ST7735 and Arduino Nano
- VCC ⟶ 5V
- CS ⟶ D10
- RESET ⟶ D8
- A0 / DC ⟶ D9
- SDA ⟶ D11
- SCK ⟶ D13
- LED ⟶ 3V3
Connection between rotary encoder and Arduino Nano
Rotary envoder pin 1 ⟶ A0
Rotary envoder pin 2 ⟶ GND
Rotary envoder pin 3 ⟶ A1
Button pin 1 ⟶ A2
Button pin 2 ⟶ GND
Connection between relay and Arduino Nano
These specifications are speculations as I currently don't have a relay hooked up - but it should be fairly simpel:
- VCC ⟶ 5V
- IN ⟶ D2
Everything is controls by either turning (Turn), clicking (Click) or holding (Hold (∞)) / holding+releasing (Hold (2s)+R) the rotary encoder:
Turn to pick one of the following grinding options:
Manual grinding
- Hold (∞) to grind
Single grinding
- Click to start grinding
- Click to cancel grinding
- Hold (2s)+R to enter settings:
- Turn to change time
- Click to save settings
- Hold (2s)+R to exit settings without saving
- Click to start grinding
Double grinding
- Click to start grinding
- Click to cancel grinding
- Hold (2s)+R to enter settings:
- Turn to change time
- Click to save settings
- Hold (2s)+R to exit settings without saving
- Click to start grinding