Repository dedicated to ease the way from ROS1 to ROS2 by providing a cheatsheet and examples to be ran.
- To find where a package is located:
Before: $ rospack find $PACKAGE_NAME
Now: $ ros2 pkg prefix $PACKAGE_NAME
- Accessing a package’s path:
Before: $ roscd PACKAGE_NAME
Now: $ colcon_cd PACKAGE_NAME
- Creating a package. It differs for a Python and CPP package. We still have
manifest. In Python we don’t need a CMakeList, but a and then colcon build to build it.
Before: $ catkin_create_package PACKAGENAME
Now: $ ros2 pkg create PACKAGE_NAME —build-type ament
- Displaying a message:
Before: $ rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist
Now: $ ros2 interface show std_msgs/msg/String
- Output tf tree to a pdf:
Now: $ ros2 run tf2_tools
- Monitoring the tf tree
Now: $ ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_monitor