Discord bot for reminding, managing and registering for Codeforces contests
Invite url: https://bit.ly/codeforcer
A simple Discord bot that reminds you about upcoming contests
- $help: Use this command to get a list of available slash commands
- $login {handle} {password}: DM the bot with this command to login to codeforces. This command is needed for /background solves_updater and /contest signup to work properly. Can only link 1 Discord username to 1 Codeforces handle. You can link to a different handle by using $login again.
- /contest list : Return an embed with a list of upcoming Codeforces contests
- /contest summary {contest_id} : Return a summary of the channel members results in a contest
- /contest signup {handle} : Sign up for ALL Codeforces contests (that are open for register) on codeforces.com itself, using the handle that you logged in with
- /background check_contest : Can be toggled. Check Codeforces API for all upcoming contests and create discord events for them
- /background solves_updater (y/n) : Can be toggled. Sends a message to the channel the command was used in whenever command user solved a problem
Invite codeforcer to a server that you have admin rights using this url: https://bit.ly/codeforcer