Leet Code Profile: https://leetcode.com/lakshaykamat/
Welcome to my repository dedicated to Data Structures and Algorithms practice using Java. Here, you'll find solutions to various LeetCode questions and comprehensive documentation for understanding DSA concepts.
I've solved several LeetCode problems using Java and have provided solutions in this repository. Each solution includes code written in Java along with explanations where necessary.
Feel free to explore the LeetCode directory for more solutions.
In addition to solving problems, I've created comprehensive documentation to guide beginners through various DSA concepts. The documentation covers topics such as:
- Arrays and Strings
- Linked Lists
- Stacks and Queues
- Trees and Graphs
- Sorting and Searching Algorithms
- Dynamic Programming
- ...and more!
You can access the DSA guide documentation here.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions, found a bug in the code, or want to add more solutions, feel free to open an issue or pull request.
If you'd like to discuss DSA, Java, or anything related, feel free to reach out:
- Twitter: Follow on Twitter
- Email: [email protected]
Happy Coding! 🚀