Releases: lachlan-00/rhythmbox-ampache-fm
Releases · lachlan-00/rhythmbox-ampache-fm
Verson 1.2.1
Not a big update but a few little checks and updates
- Updated python3-ampache
- extra checks for pings working around old sessions
Verson 1.2.0
- Don't use the template for config
- Allow passwords for ampache instead of just API keys
- Rework of session code/checks
- Include development
- update requirements.txt
This is a much better version that will wait for 30s or song_duration-5s to scrobble to Ampache.
Let the server worry about the rest!
Rhythmbox Ampache-fm
A Rhythmbox plugin to scrobble your play history to Ampache through the XML API.
Playback is also cached to local files for situations where you may not have internat access or play a song that's missing from the list.
(Backfill from the cache file to be added)