Overlay saturated crosshatch grid onto grayscale image for illusory colours
To run:
type 'cross_colour' into command window and select any .jpg image in the pop up window
after GIMP code published Jul 26 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/28661801
Tweet seen here: https://twitter.com/page_eco/status/1155077311399489536?s=20
MATLAB Implementation:
-Opens image -creates saturated version -creates grayscale image -loops through a grid and replaces the lines of the gray image with the saturated
-Grid size -Width -Saturation increase in the code
Random pixel colourization
It is good to consider other patterns and densities of colour that can lead to the effect, here is an example you can run with 'rand_colour', and can change the number and size of the random dots