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Kate Ward edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

For these steps, it is assumed we are working with release 1.2.2.


  • Write release notes.
  • Update version.
  • Finish documentation.
  • Insure everything is checked in.
  • Tag the release.
  • Create the release.
  • Create hashes for the tarball and sign with gpg.
  • Update website.

Write release notes

This should be pretty self explanatory. Use one of the release notes from a previous release as an example.

Update version

Edit shflags and change the version number in the FLAGS_VERSION variable.

Finish documentation

Flesh out any remaining changes in the doc/ file, and finish writing the doc/

Insure everything is checked in

Don't leave anything behind. In the example below, not all the changes were pushed upstream.

$ git stat
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Tag the release

Create a signed tag in the local repository.

$ git tag -s v1.2.2 -m 'Signed 1.2.2 tag.'
$ git tag -l "v1.2.*"

Push the tag to the origin.

$ git push origin --tags

Create a release > Draft a new release

  • Tag version: v1.2.2
  • Release title: shFlags 1.2.2
  • Description: take some highlights from the release notes.