If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue, or create a support ticket on the support channel in our discord server
Base command: gtaquiz
(alias: gq
kuso gtaquiz start
: Start a new GTA quiz gamekuso gtaquiz join
: Join an ongoing game before it startskuso gtaquiz stop
: Stop the current game
Poll commands are only usable by Kusogaki staff.
kuso poll <question> <duration> <multiple> <options...>
: Create a new pollquestion
: The poll questionduration
: Duration in hoursmultiple
: Allow multiple choices (true/false)options
: Poll options (space-separated)
kuso endpoll <question>
: End an active pollkuso listpolls
: List all active polls
Base command: reminder
(alias: rem
kuso reminder set <time> <message>
: Set a new reminder- Time format:
- Examples:
reminder set 1h30m Take a break
reminder set 2d Check emails
- Time format:
kuso reminder list
: List all your active reminderskuso reminder delete <index>
): Delete a reminder by its index number
Thread commands require the "Manage Threads" permission which is only given to certain people.
Base command: thread
kuso thread create <role> <name> [message]
: Create a private thread immediatelyrole
: The role that can access the threadname
: Name of the threadmessage
: Optional initial message in the thread- Example:
thread create @Kaoru Cult "romance manga" "The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity slaps"
kuso thread schedule <role> <time> <name> [message]
: Schedule a private thread for later- Time format:
- Example:
thread schedule @Book Club 2h "The Gunslinger" "Thread for The Gunslinger Discussion!"
- Time format:
kuso thread list
: List all scheduled threadskuso thread delete <id>
): Delete a scheduled thread by its ID
kuso awaiz
): Increment food mention counter for Awaizkuso awaizcount
): Display current food mention count for Awaiz