QALDGen is Question Answering Over Linked Data (QALD) Benchmarks generation framework which is able to generate customized QALD benchmarks . The framework is flexible enough to generate benchmarks of varying sizes and according to the user-defined criteria on the most important QA features to be considered for Question Answering benchmarking. The generation of benchmarks is achieved by selecting prototypical queries (of a user-defined size and specialized selection criteria) using different clustering algorithms.
Due to large size of the source code, we have made the code externally available from here. Unzip the folder which contains 4 -- Agglomerative, commons-math3, FEASIBLE, QALDBench-Generator -- java projects. QALDBench-Generator is the main project from where benchmarks can be generated. Note this project requires the other 3 project to be included in the build path. Also all the jar files in the lib folder of FEASIBLE and Agglomerative need to be added into the main project.
The RDF dataset of QA created for QALDGen can be downloaded from here in .NT format.
The complete results of our evaluation based on Gerbil framework (for QA benchmarking) is publicly available from here. The Frankenstein results for for Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) and Relationship Linking (RL) is available from here.
Download the folder QALDGen-cli which contains a runable jar qaldgen.jar, comtomized benchmark generation query file personalized-query.txt, and a Windows-based virtuoso SPARQL endpoint. First start the virtuoso endpoint from bin/ (for windows) and bin/ (for linux, to be provided).
From the folder run the following commands to generate benchmarks of your choice:
### DBSCAN+Kmeans++ Format ###
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m <method> -n <noQuestions> -i <maxNoIterations> -t <noTrialRun> -e <endpointUrl> -q <queryPersonalized> -r <radius> -p <minPts> -o <outputFile>
An example format:
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m db+km++ -n 10 -i 10 -t 10 -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -q personalized-query.txt -r 1 -p 1 -o db+km++-10qa-benchmark.ttl
### Kmeans++ Format ###
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m <method> -n <noQuestions> -i <maxNoIterations> -t <noTrialRun> -e <endpointUrl> -q <queryPersonalized> -o <outputFile>
An example format:
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m km++ -n 10 -i 10 -t 10 -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -q personalized-query.txt -o km++-10qa-benchmark.ttl
### FEASIBLE Format ###
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m <method> -n <noQuestions> -e <endpointUrl> -q <queryPersonalized> -o <outputFile>
An example format:
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m feasible -n 10 -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -q personalized-query.txt -o feasible-10qa-benchmark.ttl
### Agglomerative Format ###
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m <method> -n <noQuestions> -e <endpointUrl> -q <queryPersonalized> -o <outputFile>
An example format:
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m agglomerative -n 10 -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -q personalized-query.txt -o agglomerative-10qa-benchmark.ttl
### FEASIBLE-Exemplars Format ###
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m <method> -n <noQuestions> -e <endpointUrl> -q <queryPersonalized> -o <outputFile>
An example format:
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m feasible-exmp -n 10 -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -q personalized-query.txt -o feasible-exmp-10qa-benchmark.ttl
### Random Selection Format ###
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m <method> -n <noQuestions> -e <endpointUrl> -q <queryPersonalized> -o <outputFile>
An example format:
java -jar qaldgen.jar -m random -n 10 -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -q personalized-query.txt -o random-10qa-benchmark.ttl
noQuestions = Number of questions in the benchmark
maxNoIterations = Maximum number of iterations for the KMeans++ clustering algorithm. In our evaluation we used maxNoIterations = 10.
noTrialRun = Number of trial run for the KMeans++ clustering algorithm. In our evaluation we used noTrialRun = 10.
endpointURL = The endpoint URL hosting the QALD dataset of 5000 questions. The benchmarks are generated from these questions.
queryPersonalized = The personalized query for costum benchmark generation
radius = Radius for the queries to be considered as outliers. In our evaluation we used radius = 1
minPts = Minimum points or queries in a cluster. In our evaluation we used min. points = 1
outputFile = The output TTL file where the resulting benchmark will be printed
Download the source code from here. Unzip the folder which contains 4 -- Agglomerative, commons-math3, FEASIBLE, QALDBench-Generator -- java projects. QALDBench-Generator is the main project from where benchmarks can be generated. Note this project requires the other 3 project to be included in the build path. Also all the jar files in the lib folder of FEASIBLE and Agglomerative need to be added into the main project.
//Generate KMeans++ benchmarks from
package org.aksw.simba.sqcbench.centroid
public class KmeansPlusPlus
//Generate DBSCAN+KMeans++ benchmarks from
package org.aksw.simba.qaldbench.hybrid
public class DbscanAndKMeansPluPlus
//Generate FEASIBLE benchmarks from
package org.aksw.simba.qaldbench.feasible
public class FEASIBLEClustering
//Generate FEASIBLE-Exemplars benchmarks from
package org.aksw.simba.qaldbench.feasible
public class FeasibleExemplars
//Generate Random selection benchmarks from
package org.aksw.simb.qaldbench.random
public class RandomSelection
//You can also generate Agglomerative benchmarks from
package org.aksw.simba.sqcbench.hierarchical
public class Agglomerative
However, Agglomerative clustering does not allow to generate fix number of clusters
- Muhammad Saleem (AKSW, University of Leipzig)
- Kuldeep Singh (Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany)
- Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo (AKSW, University of Leipzig)
- Abhishek Nadgeri ()