This is a utility project to provide a convenient and consistent access to various datasets.
By default most datasets will be loaded lazily by the DatasetLoader object. The constructor will load the file structure and any data where there is no clear benefit in delaying loading (e.g. all data contained in a single file). Data that is distributed accross separate files for individual dataset elements is held as filenames and loaded on request. By passing no_lazy_loading=True to the constructor this can be changed to loading all data at once. Some of the small datasets which have all their data in single files the dataset will never load lazily. The object provides an easy but flexible interface to query any or all of this information. As a simple example:
sample = lsp[5]
#sample["image-filename"] is now the filename of the 6th item of the dataset
lsp.set_cols("image-filename", "keypoints2D")
for filename, keypoints in lsp.iterate(return_tuple=True):
# This iterates over filenames and keypoints of elements of Leeds Sport Pose
In particular, to select the parts of the data you want from the dataset, use the select_col(col)
and deselect_col(col)
methods to add or remove single data columns from the DatasetLoader object, or set_cols(col1, col2, ...)
to directly set the selection to a given set of columns. Following this subscripting of the DatasetLoader object will return a dictionary with the column names as keys and the data of the indexed sample as values.
The iterate([split_name],[split],[return_tuple])
method provides iterable access to the dataset. Using split_name you can select a particular pre-defined split of the dataset and the split argument picks between train/val/test part. If return_tuple=False (the default) the iterator returns dictionaries as obtained from subscripting. if return_tuple=True the data is returned as a tuple with the elements ordered in the same order the columns were selected.
The iterato method can be used to easily create path-signature feature datasets
Using set_split(split_name)
you can select a split to be used which can then be accessed using the trainingset
and testset
properties. These properties support subscripting and implement __len__. The subset selection can also be done at time of initialisation, by passing the name of the split to use as split
argument to the constructor.
Lastly, all DatasetLoader classes provide a add_argparse_args
method to add command line arguments for arguments applying to all datasets (such as the path to the data) and potential arguments specific to a given dataset. If you are using more than one dataset it is safe to call all their add_argparse_args
methods. The resulting command line args can be passed into the datasetloader obejct as an unpacked dictionary.
args = vars(parser.parse(args))
dataset = NTURGBD(**args)
This sections lists and briefly describes the supported Datasets and any special properties.
NTU RGB+D Action Recognition Dataset NTU RGB+D
Currently only keypoint data is included.
Expected file structure:
|- NTU_RGBD_samples_with_missing_skeletons.txt
|- NTU_RGBD120_samples_with_missing_skeletons.txt
|- nturgb+d_skeletons
| |- ...keypoint data files
Expected file structure:
|- training
| |- action_class
| | |- keypoint data files
| |-...
|- validation
| |- action_class
| | |- keypoint data files
| |-...
ChaLearn Looking at People - Gesture Challenge ChaLearn2013
Currently only video and keypoint data is included.
Expected file structure:
|- trainingdata
| |- SampleXXXXX
| | |- SampleXXXXX_color.mp4
| | |- SampleXXXXX_data.mp4
| |-...
|- validationdata
| |- SampleXXXXX
| | |- SampleXXXXX_color.mp4
| | |- SampleXXXXX_data.mp4
| |-...
Berkeley Multimodal Human Action Database (MHAD) BerkeleyMHAD
Expected file structure:
|- Mocap
| |- SkeletalData
| | |- csv
| | | |- skl_sSS_aAA_rRR_pos.csv
| | | |- ...
Here the csv files have been converted from the original BVH files.
Leeds Sports Pose (LSP) Leeds Sports Pose Extended (LSP Extended) Leeds Sports Pose Extended re-annotated by Pishchulin et al (LSP Extended, re-annotated)
- image-filenames
- keypoints
- train/test split for LSP
ds = LSPExtended(PATH_TO_DATASET, improved=True)
Joint-annotated Human Motion Data Base (JHMDB)
- video-filenames
- keypoints
- actions
- scales
- dataset splits 1,2,3
- dataset subplits 1,2,3 of videos with full body visible
ds = JHMDB(PATH_TO_DATASET, full_body_split=True)
Hockey Action Recognition and Pose Estimation in Temporal Space (HARPET)
- image-filenames (sequences of three images)
- keypoints
- actions
- train/validation/test split
MPII Human Pose (MPII)
- image-filenames
- keypoints
- scales (of people w.r.t. 200px)
- centres (of people)
- head_bboxes
- subset of sufficiently seperated persons (default)
- train/test split
ds = MPII(PATH_TO_DATASET, single_person=False)
UCF Sports Action Dataset (UCF Sports)
- video-filenames
- image-filenames (sequence of the frames of the video)
- bboxes
- actions
- viewpoints (where specified)
- An extra script to fix some of the issues of the dataset. This script adds image files of frames and videos to elements which only have a video file or only have images of the individual frames respectively
Peking University Multi-Modality Dataset (PKU-MDD)
- video-filenames
- skeleton-filenames
- ir-filenames
- depth-filenames
- keypoints
- actions
- cross-subject and cross-view splits
- Single person subset
Loading of skeletons can be deferred as this datasets has almost 7GB worth of skeleton data. Filtering for the single person subset happens on read of the skeleton files. If the loading of skeletons is deferred, the load_keypointfile method provided will return None for any keypoint file containing at least one frame with more than one person.
ds = PKUMMD(PATH_TO_DATASET, single_person=True)
ds = PKUMMD(PATH_TO_DATASET, load_skeletons=False)
- numpy
- tqdm
- scipy
- h5py