A feature-rich C++ library for controlling addressable LED strips on Particle devices. The library provides a high-level interface for LED animations and color management, with particular support for WS2812B and SK6812W LED types.
- Support for WS2812B and SK6812W addressable LED strips
- Rich color management system with HSV/HSL color spaces
- Predefined color palettes and color sets
- Extensive animation framework with customizable effects
- Platform-specific optimizations for Particle Photon 1 and 2
- Built-in animations for common effects
There is no use of the delay() function in Pixeleds.
The library can be included in your Particle project. Include the necessary headers:
#include "pixeleds-library.h"
#include "pixeleds-colors.h"
Here's a simple example of a rainbow animation:
#include "Particle.h"
#include "pixeleds-library.h"
#include "pixeleds-colors.h"
// Configuration for SK6812W LED strip
void setup() {
// Start a rainbow animation that cycles every 500ms
px.startAnimation(&animation_gradient, &Color::RAINBOW, 500);
void loop() {
The library provides extensive predefined colors in the Color
// Basic colors
px.setPixel(0, Color::GREEN);
// Shades and variants
Colors can be created using RGB, HSV, or HSL:
// RGB constructor (0-255)
PixCol orange(255, 128, 0);
// Using hex values
PixCol purple(0x800080);
// Using HSV (normalized 0.0-1.0)
PixCol hsvColor = PixCol::hsv(Hue::RED, 1.0, 1.0);
// Using HSL (normalized 0.0-1.0)
PixCol hslColor = PixCol::hsl(0.333, 1.0, 0.5);
// Color manipulation
PixCol dimmed = color.scale(0.5); // 50% brightness
PixCol saturated = color.saturate(0.8); // 80% saturation
The library includes several predefined color palettes in the Color
// Basic palettes
Color::BW // Black and white
Color::RGB // Red, green, blue
Color::RYGB // Red, yellow, green, blue
Color::RAINBOW // Full rainbow spectrum
Color::CYM // Cyan, yellow, magenta
// Color family palettes
Color::REDS // Various red shades
Color::BLUES // Various blue shades
Color::GREENS // Various green shades
Color::CYANS // Various cyan shades
Color::PURPLES // Various purple shades
Creating custom palettes:
PixPal customPalette = PixPal::create({
PixCol::hsv(Hue::ORANGE, 1.0, 0.3),
The animation system uses the PixAniData
structure and PixAniFunc
function type.
The PixAniData
structure provides animation control:
struct PixAniData {
// Basic strip information
int pixelCount; // Number of LEDs
PixCol *pixels; // LED color array
PixPal *palette; // Current color palette
// Timing information
long cycleDuration; // Cycle length in ms
long start; // Start time
long stop; // End time
system_tick_t updated; // Current time
// Animation progress
long cycleMillis; // Ms into cycle
long cycleCount; // Completed cycles
float cyclePct; // Cycle progress (0.0-1.0)
int data; // Custom data
PixAniData provides various helper functions:
// Cycle progress
int step(int steps); // Integer steps
float step(float steps); // Float steps
double sineWave(float periods=1); // Sine wave
double triangleWave(float periods=1);
double sawtoothWave(float periods=1);
double squareWave(float periods=1);
double arctanWave(float periods=1);
// Color helpers
int paletteCount();
PixCol paletteColor(int idx);
PixCol paletteColor(float idx);
PixCol randomColor();
PixCol pixelColor(int idx);
void setPixels(PixCol color);
Here are some example animations:
// Fade from black animation
void fade_from_black(PixAniData* data) {
PixCol from = Color::BLACK;
PixCol target;
float ratio = float(data->paletteCount()) / data->pixelCount;
for (int i = 0; i < data->pixelCount; i++) {
target = data->paletteColor(i * ratio);
data->pixels[i] = from.interpolate(target, data->cyclePct);
// Moving gradient animation
void moving_gradient(PixAniData* data) {
for (int i = 0; i < data->pixelCount; i++) {
float pos = float(i + data->cycleMillis) / data->pixelCount;
data->pixels[i] = data->paletteColor(pos * data->paletteCount());
Start animations with specified timing:
// Run animation with 10-second cycle, once
px.startAnimation(&fade_from_black, &customPalette, 10000, 10000);
// Run indefinitely with 1-second cycle
px.startAnimation(&moving_gradient, &Color::RAINBOW, 1000, -1);
The library includes several pre-built animations:
- Simple on/off blinkinganimation_alternating
- Alternating patternanimation_fadeIn/fadeOut
- Smooth fadesanimation_glow
- Pulsing effectanimation_strobe
- Strobe effectanimation_sparkle
- Random twinklinganimation_fader
- Smooth color fadinganimation_cycle
- Color cyclinganimation_random
- Random colorsanimation_increment/decrement
- Moving pixelanimation_bounce
- Bouncing effectanimation_scanner
- Scanning effectanimation_comet
- Comet trail effectanimation_bars
- Color barsanimation_gradient
- Smooth gradients
The library includes optimized implementations for:
- Particle Photon 1 (PLATFORM_ID 6, 8, 10, 88)
- Particle Photon 2 (PLATFORM_ID 32)
Copyright 2024 The Brynwood Team, LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.