Elixir client library for Stampery API, the blockchain-powered, industrial-scale certification platform.
Seamlessly integrate industrial-scale data certification into your own Elixir apps. The Stampery API adds a layer of transparency, attribution, accountability and auditability to your applications by connecting them to Stampery's infinitely scalable Blockchain Timestamping Architecture.
Add stampery to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do [{:stampery, "~> 0.2.0"}] end
defmodule Mymodule do
# Sign up and get your secret token at https://api-dashboard.stampery.com
use Stampery, {"user-secret", :prod}
require Logger
def on_ready do
"Hello, blockchain!"
|> hash
|> stamp
def on_proof(proof) do
Logger.debug "Proof #{inspect proof}"
Ping us at [email protected] and we will more than happy to help you! 😃
Code released under the MIT license.
Copyright 2016 Stampery, Inc.