The ConvertAPI helps converting various file formats. Creating PDF and Images from various sources like Word, Excel, Powerpoint, images, web pages or raw HTML codes. Merge, Encrypt, Split, Repair and Decrypt PDF files. And many others files manipulations. In just few minutes you can integrate it into your application and use it easily.
The ConvertAPI-Go library makes it easier to use the Convert API from your Go projects without having to build your own API calls. You can get your free API secret at
Execute in your GOPATH this command:
go get
You can get your secret at
config.Default.Secret = "your-api-secret"
Example to convert DOCX file to PDF. All supported formats and options can be found here.
pdfRes := convertapi.ConvDef("docx", "pdf", param.NewPath("file", "test.docx", nil))
// save to file
Other result operations:
// save all result files to folder
// get second file in result
files, err := res.Files()
secondFile := files[1]
// result implements Reader interface so it is possible to stream result
io.Copy(myReader, res)
// get conversion cost
cost, err := res.Cost()
pptxRes := convertapi.ConvDef("pptx", "pdf",
param.NewString("file", ""),
ConvertAPI accepts extra conversion parameters depending on converted formats. All conversion parameters and explanations can be found here.
jpgRes := convertapi.ConvDef("pdf", "jpg",
param.NewResult("file", extractRes, nil),
param.NewBool("scaleimage", true),
param.NewBool("scaleproportions", true),
param.NewInt("imageheight", 300),
You can always check remaining seconds amount by fetching user information.
user, err := convertapi.UserInfo(nil)
secondsLeft := user.SecondsLeft
You can find more advanced examples in the examples folder.
ConvertAPI is designed to make converting file super easy, the following snippet shows how easy it is to get started. Let's convert WORD DOCX file to PDF:
package main
import (
func main() {
config.Default.Secret = "your-api-secret"
if file, errs := convertapi.ConvertPath("test.docx", "/tmp/result.pdf"); errs == nil {
fmt.Println("PDF file saved to: ", file.Name())
} else {
This is the bare-minimum to convert a file using the ConvertAPI client, but you can do a great deal more with the ConvertAPI Go library.
Take special note that you should replace your-api-secret
with the secret you obtained in item two of the pre-requisites.
Please leave all comments, bugs, requests, and issues on the Issues page. We'll respond to your request ASAP!
The ConvertAPI Go Library is licensed under the MIT license. Refer to the LICENSE file for more information.