Dockerfiles that have the cockroach
binary and gcloud
The example cronjob provided runs every night at midnight and runs cockroach dump
, followed by curl
to send it to an S3 bucket or a Google storage bucket.
NOTE The CronJob resource requires kubernetes version >= 1.8.
vim kubernetes/cronjob.yaml
Modify the job to match your credentials.
Environment Variable | Default Value | |
CLOUD_PROVIDER | gcp | "gcp" or "aws" |
AWS_S3_BUCKET | my-bucket | |
AWS_S3_KEY | my-s3-key | |
AWS_S3_SECRET | my-s3-secret | |
GCP_BUCKET_NAME | my-gcp-bucket | |
GCP_SA_USER | [email protected] | The username of the SeriveAccount assigned to the provided key file (see below) |
Usage with Google Cloud Storage is fairly simple.
This service account will have access to the Storage services in your project
gcloud iam service-accounts create cockroach-backup-sa --display-name "CockroachDB Backup Account"
This key will be given to the Kubernetes job to authenticate to your gcloud account.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create \
key.json \
--iam-account [email protected]
Now grant the backup service account the ability to add items to Storage
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding my-project-123 \
--member serviceAccount:[email protected] \
--role roles/storage.objectCreator
kubectl create secret generic cockroach-backup-sa --from-file=./key.json
Currently untested.