A simple project for visualizing mongoDB aggregation operations. It's a project with study purposes, I've used Python/Flask, some angularJS and MongoDB.
{$group: {"_id": "$grouping_field", "y": {"$sum": 1}}}
{$group: {"_id": {"group1": "$grouping_field1", "group2": "$grouping_field2"}, "y": {"$sum": 1}}},
{$group: {"_id": "$_id.group1", "series": {"$addToSet": {"name": "$_id.group2", "y": "$y"}}}}
$ docker-compose -f dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml -p mongoviz up -d
$ docker exec -it [mongo-container-id] seed
On your browser http://[docker-ip]:5000/test/example
Load one of the pipelines located on the /examples folder
Data source: FNS Estado Gestão do SUS