This small project is considered (almost) done, except for small changes or improvements. You can suggest anything to add or improve!
Sample output:
$ todo add "Work on project" "Commit project" "Go to sleep"
Adding Work on project
Adding Commit project
Adding Go to sleep
$ todo project
2 matche(s) found
Work on project
Commit project
$ todo -r sleep
1 matche(s) found
Go to sleep
Do you want to delete this todo? [Y/n] y
$ todo -t
13/07/2019 20:50: Work on project
13/07/2019 20:50: Commit project
$ --help
usage: [ -t ] [ arg ... ]"
List all todo's that match with args add|-a|--add [ arg ... ]
Add all todo's with name 'arg' remove|-r|--remove [ -t ] [ arg ... ]
Remove, with confirmation, all todo's that match with arg
When matching, no arguments match all todo's
-t: Display when todo was added.
Everything in the usage should be implemented properly.
The -t
option should always come after remove|--remove|-r
, mostly because of lazyness.
The script saves a file, ~/.todo
. This is a tab seperated file with two columns: one for the time added and one for the actual thing to do.
For example:
01/01/19 00:00 make a todo script
02/02/19 15:42 study