JSONQuery JPA translates JSON queries to JPA queries. Using [QueryDSL] (https://github.com/mysema/querydsl) each translated query is type-safe and fluent . JSON query syntax is based on the popular [jqGrid] (http://www.trirand.com/blog/) plugin for jQuery.
Its main purpose is to provide easy wrapper for JavaScript plugins and widgets that query JPA-based backend data layer with Play framework [JpaApi] (https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.5.1/api/java/play/db/jpa/JPAApi.html). The JpaApi simply provides an injected enitymanager, this can be replaced with another solution depending on the framework is meant to be deployed.
Here's a sample JSON query:
"{"groupOp":"AND","rules":" +
"[{"field":"id","op":"eq","data":"1"}," +
"{"field":"name","op":"bw","data":"Jane Adams"}," +
"{"field":"age","op":"gt","data":"20"}," +
"{"field":"money","op":"lt","data":"2000.75"}," +
"{"field":"birthDate","op":"eq","data":"1959-09-30T00:00:00.000Z"}," +
"{"field":"parent.id","op":"eq","data":"2"}," +
"{"field":"creationDate","op":"eq","data":"01-31-1980 +5"}," +
"{"field":"hobbies","op":"in","data":"dancing,reading,cycling,star gazing"}" +
Note: The framework is designed only for reading data. It doesn't create, update, or delete.
Dowload or clone from Git and then use Maven:
$ git clone ... $ mvn install
Use Google Guice to bind the fliter service (you can use any other dependency mangement tool) "bind(IFilterService.class).to(FilterService.class);"
Inject the filter service @Inject IFilterService service;
Search the entity class
public JqgridResponse searchAppUsers(String token, Boolean search, String filters, Integer page, Integer rows, String sidx, String sord) { Order order = new Order(JPAAppUser.class); // Prepare arguments before reading from service Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(page - 1, rows); OrderSpecifier<?> orderSpecifier = order.by(sidx, OrderEnum.getEnum(sord)); BooleanBuilder booleanBuilder = service.getJsonBooleanBuilder(JPAAppUser.class).build(new JsonFilter(filters)); // Add extra filters manually if necessary // Read from service Page<JPAAppUser> results = service.readAndCount(entityManager,booleanBuilder, pageable, JPAAppUser.class, orderSpecifier); // Map response JqgridResponse<AppUser> response = new JqgridResponse<AppUser>(); response.setRows(results.getContent().stream().map(JPAAppUser::AppUserFromJPAAppUser).collect(Collectors.toList())); response.setRecords(Long.valueOf(results.getTotalElements()).toString()); response.setTotal(Integer.valueOf(results.getTotalPages()).toString()); response.setPage(Integer.valueOf(results.getNumber() + 1).toString()); return response; }
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