I've build this code school review application on my own as a [homework assignment] (https://www.codaisseur.com/) during my developer traineeship at Codaisseur.
The test driven (TDD), RESTful API Back-end is made in Ruby on Rails serving a JSON format. It utilizes Puma for HTTP Concurrency and CORS middleware, that allows it to have cross domain AJAX calls with the ReactJS Front-end client, the HTTP requests are preformed asynchronously trough jQuery AJAX. Checkout the live demo's here:
Front-end demo / Source | Back-end demo / Source
- Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JSON
- Carrierwave & Carrierwave Base64 (for image upload & processing)
- Carrierwave DropBox (file upload)
- Puma (Concurrency)
- CORS (Middleware)
- Rspec (TDD)
- Travis CI & Code Climate (Continuous integration)
- JavaScript(ES2015), ReactJS
- jQuery, AJAX
- React Router
- SCSS, Bootstrap (CSS3 Animations)
- User authentication.
- Social Media Integration.
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3001
bundle install
rails s
open http://localhost:3000