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Platform Acceptance Test for Mac

rc-swag edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 3 revisions


These acceptance tests are now deprecated as the source for formal testing. Formal testing is done against regression tests stored in a test suite managed by the test team. Developers can update acceptance tests here on the wiki, however, if the developer recommends a test needs to be added to the formal tests contact the test team.

Keyman for Mac Acceptance Test Procedures

  1. These test procedures are to be run before moving from alpha to beta, or beta to stable, or before PRs are merged into stable branches.
  2. Copy these lists of tests into a new issue (for tier transitions) or a comment on the PR.
  3. Use User Testing format for documenting tests.

User Testing

Setup Steps

  1. Ensure the device is running the latest version of macOS
  2. Uninstall previous version of Keyman on the device
  3. Install latest master build (or whatever version is to be tested) of Keyman on the device

SUITE_BASIC_SMOKE_TEST: Basic smoke test

  • TEST_VERSION: Verify that the version displayed in the About box is correct.
    • On device, turn Wifi off and/or disconnect Ethernet cable
    • Activate Keyman and select Keyman Configuration from the input methods menu. Click Download keyboard
    • Verify error message "Could not reach Keyman server!" is displayed (This is currently not happening. Bug reported as:
    • Close Keyman configuration windows.
    • On device, re-enable Internet connectivity
    • Activate Keyman and select Keyman Configuration from the input methods menu. Click Download keyboard.
    • Verify that page displays correctly (should have a Keyboard Search box with the prompt: Enter language or keyboard.
    • Search for Amharic. Should see several keyboards, including some by The Ge'ez Frontier Foundation and some by SIL.
    • Double-click any KMP file (in Finder). Should see a “Do you want the Keyman Input Method to install this Package?“ message. If you click Yes, the package should be installed (or updated) and the configuration window should display, showing that the keyboard(s) in the package are installed and enabled. If you click No, the configuration window should not be displayed (but there is a known issue that the very first time after Keyman loads, if the configuration window has not been shown, it will be displayed even if the user clicks No).

SUITE_APPLICATION_COMPATIBILITY: Application Compatibility Tests

  • TEST_AMHARIC: Select the Amharic keyboard. For each of the following applications/contexts, test that

    1. typing ta produces ;
    2. typing t, left-arrow, a produces አት;
    3. typing tt, left-arrow, a produces ታት;
    4. typing tt, then mouse-clicking between the two characters, and then typing a produces ታት.

    In each of the last three cases, the insertion point should end up before the final character.

  • TEST_SHORTCUTS፡ (cont. from above) 5) common keyboard shortcuts for the app work as expected. For example:

    • -F (typically opens a Find dialog or control);
    • -O (File Open);
    • -X (Cut);
    • -C (Copy);
    • -V (Paste);
    • -A (Select All).

    (Note that in Google Docs, these commands correspond to both a Google-Docs command and a browser command. The "normal" behavior in all three browsers is to activate the Google Docs command, not the browser command, with the exception that -O in Safari opens Safari's standard macOS Open file dialog.)

    1. with a few characters displayed, -A followed by typing t replaces selected characters with .
    2. typing at, then -A, followed by a produces .
  • GROUP_CHROME_URL_BAR: Chrome browser URL bar

  • GROUP_CHROME_FB_SEARCH_CONTROL: Chrome browser Facebook search control

  • GROUP_CHROME_GOOGLE_DOCS: Chrome browser Google Docs document (currently known compatibility issue for steps 3, 4 & 5 because any selection change will cause the context to be reset - Google docs can't report context.)

  • GROUP_CHROME_WORD_ONLINE: Chrome browser Word Online Note: Not using the Office Extension for Chrome - not sure if that would make a difference

  • GROUP_ATOM: Atom editor - test in Snippet editor (currently known compatibility issue for steps 3, 4 & 5)

  • GROUP_SAFARI_URL_BAR: Safari browser URL bar

  • GROUP_SAFARI_FB_SEARCH_CONTROL: Safari browser Facebook search control

  • GROUP_SAFARI_GOOGLE_DOCS: Safari browser Google Docs document (currently known compatibility issue for steps 3, 4 & 5 because any selection change will cause the context to be reset - Google docs can't report context.)

  • GROUP_SAFARI_WORD_ONLINE: Safari browser Word Online a) Beginning of paragraph (currently known compatibility issues steps 1, 3, 4 & 5, 7&8) b) Elsewhere in paragraph (occasionally steps 4 & 5 deletes a preceding (space?) character, but I haven't figured out when/why. Step 7 is not relevant. Step 8 fails for the same reason it doesn't work at the beginning of the paragraph. There seems to be a certain level of general twitchiness, with extra characters sometimes being displayed - sometimes only briefly - and characters being deleted.)

  • GROUP_FIREFOX_URL_BAR: Firefox browser URL bar

  • GROUP_FIREFOX_FB_SEARCH_CONTROL: Firefox browser Facebook search control

  • GROUP_FIREFOX_GOOGLE_DOCS: Firefox browser Google Docs document (currently known compatibility issue for steps 3, 4 & 5 because any selection change will cause the context to be reset - Google docs can't report context.)

  • GROUP_FIREFOX_WORD_ONLINE: Firefox browser Word Online a) Beginning of paragraph b) Elsewhere in paragraph

  • GROUP_MESSAGES_APP: Messages app a) New message with nobody filled in in To: line b) New message in existing conversation, such that the message area has grayed out text: "iMessage")

  • GROUP_NOTES_APP: Notes app


  • GROUP_TERMINAL: Terminal (known compatibility issues: Steps 1 & 3 insert an extra leading space if there are no preceding characters. Skip step 4 - mouse doesn't move insertion point in Terminal. Step 5 can be done using left-arrow instead. Skip steps 7 & 8. If the Terminal window has LOTS of text in it, it won't provide any context, which leads to other compatibility problems.)

  • GROUP_LIBREOFFICE: LibreOffice 7.0 (currently known compatibility issue for steps 3, 4 & 5 because any selection change will cause the context to be reset - LibreOffice Vanilla can't report context.).

  • GROUP_MAIL: Mail (message body)

SUITE_OSK: OSK UI/Functionality Tests

    • Verify behavior of "Always show on-screen keyboard" option
    • Verify behavior and appearance of On-Screen Keyboard and the menu that toggles it on and off.
    • With OSK visible, verify that switching keyboards updates the display to show the appropriate layout.
    • Verify that switching to system keyboard or other IM turns off Keyman OSK.
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