Looking for toolkits to accelerate your journey adopting Google Cloud Platform? Congrats! you are at the right place to start.
With the combination of a list of repositories and following the instructions in the README files, you will setup a series of pipelines and corresopnding processes which forms a robust CICD Platform targeting at Google Cloud Platform. The entire practice will take roughly xx hours.
Before start, all instructions assume you have a good understanding of GCP Concepts, especially cloudbuild, and Hashicorp Stack e.g. Terraform.
The development journey are break down into three key steps:
- GCP Pipeline Bootstrap for Tool Stack
- GCP Terraform Module Setup
- GCP Terraform Foundation Provision
- *Packer
This instructure will mainly focus on step 1 - GCP Pipeline Bootstrap
- GCP Project with Billing Enabled (Free tier should also be fine)
- Project Owner Access to the Project
- All github repos for DevOps Accelerator are either forked or cloned to your own workspace
Following the below steps you will:
- Configure target GCP Project
- Enable all required Gcloud service APIs
- Create Storage bucket for Terraform statefile backend
- Enable Storage bucket versioning
- Grant Cloudbuild Service Account access to the Storage bucket
- Create Cloudbuild triggers for GCP Pipeline bootstrap
- Create Cloudbuild triggers for GCP Modules Build
- Update GCP Bootstrap metadata - terraform-gcp-bootstrap/bin/boostrap.yaml
BOOTSTRAP_REPO_NAME: terraform-gcp-bootstrap
MODULE_REPO_NAME: terraform-gcp-module
REPO_OWNER: Your Github Account ID for forked/cloned terraform repos
- Run bootstrap.sh
$ ./bin/bootstrap.sh