Pequeno sistema de cadastro de funcionarios para testar minhas habilidades em C# e sql
- Make shure you have Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Manangment Studio instaled;
- Run script_db.sql with Sql Server Managnment Studio to create database and tables;
- Download repository as .zip and extract;
- Open "Funcionarios.cs" and change the "Id" and "Password" in (line 38) private string strConnect = @"Server=DESKTOP-VPO5MAN\SQLEXPRESS;Database=EmpresaFicticia;User Id=YourUser;Password=YourPassword;" to your database id and password;
- Run CRUD Cadastro de Funcionarios.exe located in "CRUD-Cadastro-de-Funcionarios-master\CRUD-Cadastro-de-Funcionarios-master\bin\Debug";
- Enjoy.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE page for details.