A client for the ArangoDB nosql database.
- Extended promises with include and spread functions, then gets a single fulfillment value.
- Embedding http headers & statusCode into response object as headers & status.
- Using home rolled Promises/A+ (https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-spec) instead of Q.
- onFullfill can now receive multiple arguments from resolved promises, promise.resolve(result,headers,code).
- Included the Promise framework by KrisKowal at https://github.com/kriskowal/q.
- As of ArangoDB v1.1 the session API has been scrapped so it has been removed from the client.
- Also removed support for events in favour of promises.
- Added db.use() to switch connection settings such as collection name, db.use('collection').
- Query results now yields a next() method if there is more data to be fetched.
- Added support for ArangoDB actions through db.action.define(), db.action.invoke()
- Changed to Apache 2.0 license
As nodejs module: npm install arango.client
From source: git clone git://github.com/kaerus/arango-client
Open/run index.html from the test directory.
To be able to build a minified version you need to have the require.js optimizer r.js installed.
make dist
This creates a single minified javascript file in the dist
You can use arango-client either as node.js server module or from a web client. Since arango-client is written in AMD compatible fashion you should be able to require it in your project using any standard AMD loader. However, require.js is included by default when installing through npm.
To use the client in nodejs you require it.
var arango = require('arango.client')
For usage in a web browser you probably want to use the compressed file dist/arango.js.gz (9KB). Then load the client using an AMD compatible loader, such as require.js. A minimal html page accessing ArangoDB from the web client can look like this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache">
<script data-main="app" src="require.js"></script>
And then create an app.js that looks like this.
var e = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
var db = new arango.Connection;
/* list all collections */
e.innerHTML = "Result: " + JSON.stringify(res);
}, function(err){
e.innerHTML = "Error: " + JSON.stringify(err);
Note: The above example assumes you are requiring the non compressed file found in dist/arango.js.
The api methods always return a promise but they also take a callback function.
Example using a callback:
if(err) console.log("err(%s):", err, res);
else console.log("result: ", JSON.stringify(res));
Example using a promise:
.then(function(res){ console.log("Result:", res) },
function(err){ console.log("error:", err) } );
To initialize a connection you have to use the Connection([string],[object])
/* use default settings, connects to in nodejs */
/* or window.location when using from your browser */
db = new arango.Connection
/* connection string */
db = new arango.Connection("");
/* connection with http auth */
db = new arango.Connection("http://user:[email protected]/database");
/* connection object */
db = new arango.Connection({name:"database", user:"master"});
/* mixed mode */
db = new arango.Connection("http://test.host.com:80/default",{user:uname,pass:pwd});
/* with use() you can switch connection settings */
/* use another collection */
/* db.server dumps server configuration */
/* Create a 'test' collection */
console.log("error(%s): ", err, ret);
/* create a new document in 'test' collection */
.then(function(res){ console.log(res); },
function(err){ console.log("error(%s): ", err) }
/* get a list of all documents */
.then(function(res){ console.log(res) },
function(err){ console.log("error", err) } );
/* create a new document and create a new */
/* collection by passing true as first argument */
.then(function(res){ console.log("res", JSON.stringify(res) },
function(err){ console.log("err", err) } );
/* create another document in the collection */
.then(function(res){ console.log("res", JSON.stringify(res) },
function(err){ console.log("err", err) } );
/* combine two requests, use spread instead of */
/* then to get multiple arguments in callback */
console.log("docA(%j) docB(%s)", A, B);
}, function(err){
/* chain requests */
/* get a list of all documents */
/* from the first collection. */
return db.document.list(cols[0].name);
console.log("documents:", docs);
/* simple query string */
db.query.exec("FOR u in test RETURN u",function(err,ret){
console.log("err(%s):", err, ret);
/* A bindvar for the collection name */
db.query.string = "FOR u IN @@collection RETURN u";
/* execute the query and pass the collection variable */
Note: ArangoDB expects @@ in front of collection names when using a bindvar. The bindvar attribute in this case needs to be prefixed with a single @. In all other cases the bindvar atttribute can be provided without any prefix and the variable in the query string is denoted with a single @ .
Result batch size can be set using the query.count(<number>)
In case of partial results the next batch can be retrieved with res.next().
/* using the query builder */
query = db.query.for('u').in('users')
.filter('u.contact.address.state == @state')
.collect('region = u.contact.region').into('group')
.sort('LENGTH(group) DESC').limit('0, 5')
.return('{"region": region, "count": LENGTH(group)}');
/* show the composed query string */
console.log("Arango query:", query.string);
/* test run the query */
/* execute the query and set the variable 'state' */
query.exec({state: "CA"})
.then(function(res){ console.log("res",res) },
function(err){ console.log("err",err) });
/* detailed query explanation */
/* nested queries embedded as functions(){} */
query = db.query.for('likes').in(function() {
.filter('u.gender == @gender && @likes')
.from('u.likes').include(function() {
.filter('value != @likes')
}).collect('what = likes').into('group')
.sort('LENGTH(group) DESC')
.limit('0, 5')
.return('{"what": what, "count": LENGTH(group)}');
ArangoDB supports user defined actions that can be used for implementing business logic or creating complex queries serverside.
To invoke an action you first need to define it.
/* define an action */
name: 'someAction',
url: ''
method: 'post',
result: function(res){ console.log("res:", res ) },
error: function(err){ console.log("err:", err) }
/* invoke the action */
var data = {test:"data"}
/* you can also pass a callback */
console.log("err(%s):", err, ret);
Copyright (c) 2012 Kaerus (kaerus.com), Anders Elo <anders @ kaerus com>.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.